Results List
Assessment of Atlantic Philanthropies’ Support for the Health Sector in Viet Nam: 1998–2003
Source: Thomas Kane
The Atlantic Philanthropies-supported construction and renovation projects of hospitals and other facilities in Central Viet Nam have had a positive impact on the medical staff, patients and families receiving services, according to this evaluation commissioned by Atlantic. This assessment reviews 17 health-sector projects, covering the…
Resource type: Evaluation
Advocacy Capacity Training Assessment: An Overview of the Field
Source: The Headwaters Group
The Headwaters Group prepared this report for The Atlantic Philanthropies to inform philanthropic efforts to build advocacy capacity among state and local groups. The report provides an overview of current advocacy training exploring who does it, how it is done and what appears to be…
Resource type: Research Report
Building Capacity for Maximum Impact
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche delivers the Keynote Address at the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York Symposium: Baruch College School of Public Affairs. It’s a little odd that I should be standing here this morning to share some thoughts about the role of evaluation in foundations…
Resource type: Speech
The Atlantic Philanthropies in Northern Ireland: 1991-2014
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Note: In 2017, we published an updated version of this report as part of our Country Books series. Between 1991 and 2014, Atlantic invested more than $554 million in Northern Ireland to support the peace process, address the legacy of violent conflict, protect and expand…
Resource type: Research Report
The Atlantic Philanthropies in the Republic of Ireland: 1987-2014
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Note: In 2017, we published an updated version of this report as part of our Country Books series. Between 1987 and 2014, Atlantic invested over $1.2 billion in the Republic of Ireland to strengthen and grow the higher education system, stimulate a knowledge economy, protect…
Resource type: Research Report
The Atlantic Philanthropies in Viet Nam: 1998–2013
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Note: In 2018, we published an updated version of this report as part of our Country Books series. Between 1998–2013, Atlantic invested $381.8 million in Viet Nam to strengthen the country’s higher education and primary health care systems. This report tells the story of the…
Resource type: Research Report
The Atlantic Philanthropies in South Africa: 1991–2013
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Note: In 2018, we published an updated version of this report as part of our Country Books series. Between 1991–2013, Atlantic invested $355.5 million to seek justice, promote better health care and greater health equity, and deliver services that support transformative social change, foster human rights and…
Resource type: Research Report
The Atlantic Philanthropies in Bermuda: 1992–2013
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Between 1992–2013, Atlantic invested $28.2 million in Bermuda to strengthen nonprofit organisations that promote civil society, build capacity for advocacy and social change, and advance the practice and strategies of philanthropy. This report tells the story of the impact of Atlantic’s, and our grantees’, work…
Resource type: Research Report
What Ambitious Donors Can Learn From The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Experience Making Big Bets
Source: The Bridgespan Group
This report analyzes 25 of Atlantic’s “big bet” grants—those over $10 million or more to a single organization or focused initiative—and highlights impact and lessons. The report also discusses what worked and some of the challenges the foundation, its grantees and partners faced. Atlantic President…
Resource type: Research Report
Northern Ireland (United Kingdom): Implementing Joined-up Governance for a Common Purpose
Source: OECD Public Governance Reviews
An assessment conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) of Northern Ireland’s public reform agenda credits the Atlantic Philanthropies with helping the government in its ongoing efforts to to transform and reform its public services to better meet the needs of its citizens.…
Resource type: Research Report