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The Atlantic Philanthropies in the Republic of Ireland: 1987-2014

Resource type: Research Report

The Atlantic Philanthropies |

Note: In 2017, we published an updated version of this report as part of our Country Books series.

Between 1987 and 2014, Atlantic invested over $1.2 billion in the Republic of Ireland to strengthen and grow the higher education system, stimulate a knowledge economy, protect and expand human and civil rights, and fundamentally transform the design and delivery of services for children, older adults and people with disabilities.

This report tells the story of the impact of Atlantic’s, and our grantees’, work in the Republic of Ireland, including:

  • An overview, in numbers, of our investments
  • A list of key grantee achievements
  • A brief introduction to how Atlantic first began working there
  • A description of how Atlantic’s and our grantees’ work, and the fields on which we have focused, have evolved since initiating our work
  • An assessment of Atlantic’s most significant contributions within each field
  • A meta-assessment of Atlantic’s and grantees’ collective, overall impact to date.