Results List
Philanthropy Working with Government: A Case Study of The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Partnership with the Irish Government
Source: Richard Boyle / Institute of Public Administration
Atlantic’s work in the Republic of Ireland between 2003-2014 positively contributed to the development of government policy and practice, especially in the areas of service delivery for children and older adults, according to a study by the Institute of Public Administration. Researchers say Atlantic had…
Resource type: Case Study
10 Years Of
Source: SpunOut, a popular youth information website in the Republic of Ireland run by young people, for young people, is celebrating its tenth anniversary. The website has grown to serve over 80,000 readers each month, helping empower readers aged 16 – 25 with the information they need to…
Resource type: Video
Genio Dementia Programme – Year 1
Source: Irish Centre for Social Gerontology
Dementia in the Republic of Ireland is associated with poor diagnosis, stigma and lack of awareness among the general public. Not surprisingly, service provision has been, as a consequence, badly structured, poorly funded and weakly integrated. Genio, an Atlantic grantee, is working to develop and test…
Resource type: Evaluation
Tilling The Field: Lessons About Philanthropy’s Role in School Discipline Reform
Source: Leila Fiester, Atlas Learning Project
Anyone concerned about how the futures of millions of children are jeopardized because of discipline practices that unfairly exclude students from U.S. public schools will be heartened by this story about how transformative change can happen. It’s a story of how students and parents, civil…
Resource type: Research Report
Parenting Support for Every Parent
Source: UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway
A parenting programme can have a significant impact on the risk and protective factors that shape family life, and create population-wide benefit, according to this evaluation of the Triple P Positive Parenting Programme in the Midland counties of Longford and Westmeath. The parenting programme was…
Resource type: Research Report
Evaluation of a Programme to Help Parents of Teenagers
Source: Institute for Child Care Research, Queen’s University Belfast
Parenting teens can be tricky and confusing. One of the few rigorously-evaluated programmes to help parents tackle those challenges has demonstrated convincing evidence of its effectiveness, researchers reported. The programme — Odyssey, Parenting Your Teen — is a potential model for more countries than Northern Ireland, where…
Resource type: Research Report
Critical Learnings: Advocating for Older People in Northern Ireland: Lessons and Action Steps
Source: Brendan Murtagh
Traditional forms of advocacy in Northern Ireland have led to some key gains for older people but are no longer enough to secure change, according to this summary of an evaluation of advocacy work by ageing organisations funded by Atlantic. Effective approaches in the past,…
Resource type: Research Report
Harvest Time for The Atlantic Philanthropies – 2011-2012: Focus, Exit, and Legacy
Source: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
This report is the third in a series to chronicle the concluding years of The Atlantic Philanthropies, the largest foundation ever to decide to commit its entire endowment in a limited timeframe and then close its doors. It covers events that occurred from late 2010…
Resource type: Research Report
Brief: Elev8 Chicago: Demonstrating the Power and Potential of Community Schools
Source: Elev8 Chicago
Communities across the country are grappling with the challenge of preparing young people for a bright future. Elev8 Chicago – an Atlantic-supported initiative to strengthen community schools by providing, school-based health services and after-school programmes and enhancing family engagement – has made a positive difference…
Resource type: Research Report
Evaluation of Programme to Protect Children from Domestic Violence
Source: University of Lincoln
Children who experience domestic abuse can be forgotten victims. Mayo Children’s Initiative (MCI Ireland), a programme in rural Ireland, made “spectacular progress” in reaching these children and is a model for other countries to follow, according to the lead researcher of an evaluation carried out…
Resource type: Research Report