Results List
Paper: Human Rights and International Justice: Challenges and Opportunities at an Inflection Point
Source: Jonathan Fanton and Zachary Katznelson
This discussion paper, commissioned by The Atlantic Philanthropies, presents the current funding trends in human rights and international justice, and assesses the needs of organisations working within these fields. Through interviews with 138 experts and practitioners, it identifies challenges and opportunities facing human rights organisations,…
Resource type: Research Report
Securing a Bill of Rights
The 1998 Belfast Agreement stressed the centrality of protecting human rights to building a better future for Northern Ireland. The Agreement made explicit commitments to producing a Bill of Rights (BOR) for Northern Ireland. This process of achieving a Bill has been beset with political…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Toolkit: Bringing International Human Rights Home
Source: Irish Council for Civil Liberties and Universal Periodic Review
This report is a toolkit on international human rights reporting aimed at helping civil society groups and nongovernmental organisations effectively use international human rights monitoring at the United Nations in their advocacy and campaign activities. It is a publication of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties…
Resource type: Research Report
US Human Rights Fund
The USHRF has helped build the capacity of social justice groups like the Border Network for Human Rights, to use a human rights framework in their advocacy and organising efforts across the country. USHRF makes grants in four priority areas: human rights training and education,…
Resource type: Video
Strengthening Human Rights for the Disadvantaged
The Irish Human Rights Commission, the Belfast Agreement, the European Union Charter on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, the European Convention on Human Rights and the proposed all-Ireland Charter of Rights present opportunities to achieve improvements in the ability of disadvantaged people to access the rights…
Resource type: Grantee Story
The Atlantic Philanthropies: Northern Ireland
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Jean Brown (left) and Renee Crawford, longtime leaders of Suffolk Lenadoon Interface Group, have worked together for over 20 years to forge a better life for their community. Photo: Richard Wade This book tells the story of how The Atlantic Philanthropies’ investment of $570 million from…
Resource type: Research Report
The Centre for Effective Services’ Library
The Centre for Effective Services’ online library offers a variety of resources. Learn more > The Centre for Effective Services’ (CES) online library makes available a great quantity of relevant, usable evidence for policy makers, service commissioners, providers and practitioners. CES has served as Atlantic’s long-time partner…
Resource type: Research Report
‘This is All Yours’: Opening Remarks for Isivivana Centre in Khayelitsha
Source: David Sternlieb, Chief Operating Officer, The Atlantic Philanthropies
David Sternlieb, Chief Operating Officer of The Atlantic Philanthropies, delivered these remarks at the October 13, 2016 opening of the Isivivana Centre in Khayelitsha township, outside Cape Town, South Africa. Acclaimed author and filmmaker, Zanemvula “Zakes” Mda led the ceremony, hailing the new center as…
Resource type: Speech
Protecting Human Rights in Ireland
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
From 2004 to 2014, Atlantic focused resources on protecting and expanding the rights of immigrants, people with disabilities and LGBT people in the Republic of Ireland. The work of these human rights grantees enabled several important and lasting achievements, including: New rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people…
Resource type: Video
Human Rights Day statement
The United Nations office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, pays tribute to the work of human rights defenders globally. Human Rights Day on 10 December, 2010 is dedicated to Human rights defenders who act to end discrimination. For more information: The United Nations…
Resource type: Video