Results List
Roles of Engagement: Strategies and Tactics for Philanthropic-Government Relations in Policy Reform
Source: Atlas Learning Project
Over the course of its history, Atlantic frequently engaged with national and local governments around the world on efforts to improve public systems, services, policies and practices that affect the life outcomes of vulnerable and disadvantaged people. Roles of Engagement summarizes and analyzes the different strategies and…
Resource type: Research Report
Making a Difference in the Lives of People with Disabilities: Capturing the Learning from Funding on the Island of Ireland
Source: Morrow Gilchrist Associates
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ investments on behalf of people with disabilities living on the island of Ireland helped advance their rights and achieve community inclusion and participation, according to this evaluation by Morrow Gilchrist Associates. Atlantic’s strategy was informed by the need to implement and interpret…
Resource type: Research Report
A Guide to Ensuring Wide Dissemination and Lasting Impact for Your Research
Source: Bríd McGrath
This guide lays out a series of simple steps that nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can take to make sure their research products effectively reach the audiences that can most benefit from them, such as funders, researchers, practitioners, policymakers and journalists. It also describes the different types…
Resource type: Research Report
Harvest Time for The Atlantic Philanthropies – 2012-2013: Decline & Rise
Source: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
This report, the fourth in a series about The Atlantic Philanthropies’s concluding years, details unexpected turns in the foundation’s approach to commit its entire endowment in a limited time frame. The report covers late 2012 through the end of 2013, some three to four years…
Resource type: Research Report
The Role of Migrant Care Workers in Ageing Societies: Report on Research Findings in the U.K., Ireland, Canada and the U.S.
Source: International Organization for Migration
Migrants play an increasingly significant role in caring for the elderly due to a growing number of older people and declining domestic labour supplies, according to this report in the IOM Migration Research Series. It examines the demand for migrant care workers; compares the experiences…
Resource type: Research Report
Mining the Research
Source: Queen’s University Belfast
Many of the assumptions and stereotypes about older adults in Ireland have been based on questionable data and needed to be revisited, according to a study commissioned by The Atlantic Philanthropies. Queen’s University is an Atlantic grantee. Summary In Northern Ireland, many of the organisations…
Resource type: Research Report
Sustainable Models of Practice and Legacy Effects
Source: Queen's University Belfast
How can grantees sustain the impact of their work — especially after their funding ends? This series of research reports identifies sustainability practices and skills that have enabled Atlantic’s grantees in Northern Ireland to continue their work after the foundation ceased funding their operations. The reports draw on the experiences of organizations…
Resource type: Research Report
When Aims & Objectives Rhyme: How Two of Ireland’s Largest Foundations Found Common Ground
Source: Tony Proscio
A rare and successful collaboration between two foundations in the Republic of Ireland offers potential lessons to other funders, according to a case study by Tony Proscio. The report describes a fruitful partnership between The Atlantic Philanthropies and The One Foundation over many years despite…
Resource type: Case Study
Building a Field: The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Investment in Palliative Care
Source: Mary Rafferty and Anne Colgan
This study captures the impact and lessons of Atlantic’s €58 million investment to help build the field of palliative care. It offers insights into what it takes to develop a community of organizations and individuals working towards a common goal using a shared body of…
Resource type: Research Report
Learning Lessons from The Atlantic Philanthropies and the Irish Government Working Together
Source: Institute of Public Administration
This report summarizes a roundtable held in April 2017 in Ireland to discuss how government and philanthropy can work together effectively. The discussions drew on lessons Atlantic and the Irish government learned from working together for more than a decade, starting in 2003. Over the…
Resource type: Research Report