Results List
Protecting Human Rights in Ireland
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
From 2004 to 2014, Atlantic focused resources on protecting and expanding the rights of immigrants, people with disabilities and LGBT people in the Republic of Ireland. The work of these human rights grantees enabled several important and lasting achievements, including: New rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people…
Resource type: Video
Our Work in the Republic of Ireland
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Between 1987 and 2014, Atlantic invested more than $1.2 billion (€1 billion) in the Republic of Ireland to stimulate a knowledge economy by rebuilding the higher education system, protect and expand human and civil rights, and fundamentally transform the design and delivery of services for…
Resource type: Video
Our Work in Northern Ireland
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Between 1991 and 2014, Atlantic invested over $554 million (£340 million) in Northern Ireland to help build a sustainable and just peace, reconcile deeply divided communities, challenge segregation in primary and secondary education, reshape higher education, ensure quality services for those most in need, strengthen…
Resource type: Video
Shared Education Improves Learning in Northern Ireland
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Northern Ireland is a deeply divided society and the education system reflects the level of separation between Protestant and Catholic communities. More than 90 per cent of children attend religiously segregated schools. A declining school-aged population, however, has required administrators to find new ways of…
Resource type: Video
Capacity Building in the Children and Young People’s Sector in Ireland: A Field-Level Study
Source: Mary Rafferty and Anne Colgan
This case study focuses on Atlantic’s role in helping build the capacity of the children and young people’s sector in the Republic of Ireland between 2004 and 2014. The report found: Building capacity at the field level requires a strategic and systemic approach, which includes…
Resource type: Case Study
Economic Evaluation of Palliative Care in Ireland
Source: Aoife Brick, Charles Normand, Sinéad O’Hara, Samantha Smith, Trinity College Dublin
This report examines the cost of providing palliative care in Ireland for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses, outcomes for patients and families resulting from that care, and the patterns and variations among the measures studied. Focusing their examination on three regional areas, researchers found: Wide variations in…
Resource type: Evaluation
Philanthropy Working with Government: A Case Study of The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Partnership with the Irish Government
Source: Richard Boyle / Institute of Public Administration
Atlantic’s work in the Republic of Ireland between 2003-2014 positively contributed to the development of government policy and practice, especially in the areas of service delivery for children and older adults, according to a study by the Institute of Public Administration. Researchers say Atlantic had…
Resource type: Case Study
Protecting Migrant and Refugee Rights in Northern Ireland
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Over the last three decades, The Atlantic Philanthropies has worked to build and sustain organizations at the forefront of advancing and protecting people’s human rights, including those providing advocacy and community development services for refugees and migrants. In Northern Ireland, the South Tyrone Empowerment Programme (STEP) offers advice, guidance,…
Resource type: Video
The Atlantic Philanthropies: Australia
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
This book tells the story of Atlantic’s $368 million investments in Australia between 1998 and 2016 to grow the country’s biomedical research, bolster higher education, advance social equity and boost leadership capabilities in related sectors. In Brisbane, students visit a Translational Research Institute science laboratory…
Resource type: Research Report
Atlantic Insights: Giving While Living
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Atlantic Insights: Giving While Living explores Founder Charles “Chuck” Feeney’s long-standing belief in “Giving While Living,” the idea that people with wealth should use it during their lifetimes to help others. Download this book to learn about Feeney’s unique story, and to gain insight from other high net worth…
Resource type: Research Report