Results List
Protecting Migrant and Refugee Rights in Northern Ireland
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Over the last three decades, The Atlantic Philanthropies has worked to build and sustain organizations at the forefront of advancing and protecting people’s human rights, including those providing advocacy and community development services for refugees and migrants. In Northern Ireland, the South Tyrone Empowerment Programme (STEP) offers advice, guidance,…
Resource type: Video
Recovering Unclaimed Benefits for Older Adults in the United States and Northern Ireland
Buddy Beckley of Baldwin County, Alabama. Photo: NCOA At age 66, Buddy Beckley of Baldwin County, Alabama, was in a desperate financial situation. He faced being locked out of his home – a trailer – because he owed back rent. After paying for Medicare premiums…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Public Views on Shared Education in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is a deeply divided society and the level of separation between Protestant and Catholic communities is reflected in its education system. Less than 6% of the school-aged population is educated together. The system of education in Northern Ireland is undergoing significant administrative and…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Using the Law to Secure Social Change on the Island of Ireland
Source: University College Cork and Queen's University Belfast
This report discusses lessons Atlantic grantees have learned about using the law to secure social change in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and Northern Ireland (NI). Atlantic’s support for this work began in 2004. Back then, few organizations in ROI or NI had much experience with public…
Resource type: Research Report
Advancing Children’s Rights Through Advocacy in Ireland
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Between 2004 and 2012, Atlantic invested $28 million to support the work of groups in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland advocating for policies and programs meant to advance the rights of children. As discussed in this summary, the work had three key objectives:…
Resource type: Research Report
The Incredible Years Ireland Study
Source: National University of Ireland Maynooth
Early childhood behavioural difficulties are increasingly prevalent and raise the risk of poorer outcomes later in life. Teachers and parents are ideally suited to address these issues but they often feel ill-equipped to do so without some guidance. Participants in the Incredible Years programme reported…
Resource type: Evaluation
Increasing Use of Benefits Programmes
In Northern Ireland, 40% of households rely on social security as their main source of income – and the number of people of pensionable age is projected to increase significantly from 266,000 in 2002 to 313,000 by 2017. However, as many as 35% of older…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Mining the Research
Source: Queen’s University Belfast
Many of the assumptions and stereotypes about older adults in Ireland have been based on questionable data and needed to be revisited, according to a study commissioned by The Atlantic Philanthropies. Queen’s University is an Atlantic grantee. Summary In Northern Ireland, many of the organisations…
Resource type: Research Report
Shared Education Improves Learning in Northern Ireland
Sharing education involves two or more schools from different community backgrounds working together to share expertise, classes, facilities and teachers. Northern Ireland is a deeply divided society and the education system reflects the level of separation between Protestant and Catholic communities. More than 90 per…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Northern Ireland Pensioners Parliament
Source: Age Sector Platform
The annual Northern Ireland Pensioners Parliament, launched in 2011, allows older people from across Northern Ireland to have their say on the issues that matter to them. 2013 marks the third year of the Parliament, which is organised by Age Sector Platform. > Learn more…
Resource type: Video