Results List
Some Reflections on Philanthropy and Government
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies, gives the Keynote Address at the Annual Meeting of the United Neighborhood Houses in New York City. I appreciate the invitation to share some thoughts with the board and staff members of the settlement houses and other…
Resource type: Speech
Funding in Conflict-Affected Environments
Source: The Social Change Initiative
This guide explores how can funders can support activities and initiatives designed to end conflicts and promote peacebuilding. While many foundations are understandably wary about intervening in conflicts, Funding in Conflicted-Environments offers guidance on how to help mitigate some of those concerns. Included are the…
Resource type: Research Report
Creating a Brighter Future for Children Through Mutual Respect and Understanding
Together 4 All (T4A) is a community-based organisation which aims to improve support for children, young people and their families in the Lurgan area of Northern Ireland. Research has found this area to be a microcosm of Northern Ireland, in terms of need, demographic and…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Grantee Highlight – Inez McCormack Talks with Meryl Streep
Courtesy of The Daily Beast, “Jump Starting an Irish Campaign” Inez McCormack Talks with Meryl Streep After watching herself being portrayed by Meryl Streep, Northern Irish civil rights leader Inez McCormack stood on stage with the actress and talked about the play SEVEN — and…
Resource type: Video
Too Close for Comfort? Obama and the Foundations
Source: Gara LaMarche
Foundations should take a stance of engaged and critical discomfort with government no matter who is in charge, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, in this speech at the Hudson Institute-Betsy and Walter Stern Conference Center. I am always glad to take…
Resource type: Speech
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Embrace of a Social Justice Approach to Grantmaking
Source: Gara LaMarche
The story behind The Atlantic Philanthropies’ embrace of social justice is recounted in this speech by Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, at the Ford Foundation Convening on Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace in February 2009 in Cairo, Egypt. It is bracing…
Resource type: Speech
Make Big Plans: Cornell Olin Lecture
Source: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Atlantic President and CEO Christopher G. Oechsli joined Cornell University President Emeritus Frank H. T. Rhodes for a conversation about Atlantic’s founder, Chuck Feeney, and the vision and values behind the foundation’s grantmaking at Cornell and around the world. At the event, Hunter R. Rawlings…
Resource type: Speech
Addressing the Root Causes of Social Injustice
Source: Le Nhan Phuong
The road to lasting change in the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people begins with the courage to ask the right questions, said Le Nhan Phuong, Programme Director of the Population Health Programme at The Atlantic Philanthropies, in this speech at the International Conference on…
Resource type: Speech
Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism
Source: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, delivered this keynote address at an international conference held by New York Law School: Constitutional Rights, Judicial Independence and the Transition to Democracy: Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism. The conference brought together a diverse group…
Resource type: Speech
Enriching a University to Strengthen Learning and Research
Students attend 2012 commencement ceremony. Photo: Cornell University The nearly $1 billion investment in Cornell University made by Atlantic and its Founding Chairman has enriched the experience of students and faculty on campus; strengthened its academics, research and athletics; and enabled the university to expand…
Resource type: Grantee Story