Results List
Advocacy Q&A with Gara LaMarche in Responsive Philanthropy magazine
Original Source NCRP LOOKS AT CREATING IMPACT Highlights two major foundations’ funding for community organizing and advocacy, and critical role of nonprofit leadership WASHINGTON, D.C.-The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) released today the summer edition of Responsive Philanthropy. This issue features articles on the…
Author: Responsive Philanthropy
Budget woes force cuts in summer-school programs
Original Source By David Crary, AP National Writer From coast to coast, tough financial conditions are forcing school districts and nonprofit groups to cut back on summer programs that are widely viewed as invaluable to both struggling and superior students. The casualties including enrichment programs…
Author: The Boston Globe (AP)
New civil unions will cost taxpayers over €25m
The Irish Independent By Fionnan Sheahan, Political Editor The taxpayer will pay at least €25m for opening up married tax benefits to other couples when new civil partnerships comes into effect. The introduction of the controversial Civil Partnership Bill will have cost implications for capital…
Author: The Irish Independent
The elder-care crunch
13 Jul 2008 Original Source By Tanika White, Sun reporter After four years of medical school and three years of internal medicine training, Jessica Colburn could have chosen just about any field of medicine to practice. Gastroenterology would have been lucrative, brain surgery exciting. At…
Author: The Baltimore Sun
In Act 2 of Life, Doing Work That Matters
Original Source By Jane E. Brody Dr. Peter I. Pressman decided to retire in 2003 after 40 years as a New York breast cancer surgeon much admired by his patients for the time and skill he devoted to them and their families. He was 68,…
Author: The New York Times
Gary Bass Featured in Philanthropy News Digest on the Support of Nonprofit Advocacy
Original Source 5 Questions for… Gary Bass, Founder and Executive Director, OMB Watch Founded in 1983 with the goal of lifting the veil of secrecy then shrouding the White House Office of Management and Budget, OMB Watch is a nonprofit research and advocacy organization that…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
Older & Bolder wins at the 2008 Awards for Excellence in Public Relations
The 15th annual Awards for Excellence in Public Relations was hosted by Mansion House (Dublin) on Thursday, 26th June 2008. There were 13 categories, of which Older & Bolder, an Atlantic grantee, won the category for Public Information, described as campaigns created to improve awareness…
Charter Schools' Big Experiment
New Orleans’s Post-Katrina Test May Offer Lessons for Ailing Systems Original Source By Jay Mathews Washington Post Staff Writer NEW ORLEANS The storm that swamped this city three years ago also effectively swept away a public school system with a dismal record and faint prospects…
Author: The Washington Post
Seniors' fear of anti-social behaviour highlighted
Original Source The latest research highlighting older peoples’ fear of anti-social behaviour will be presented today (Thursday 29 May) by the Changing Ageing Partnership (CAP) at the Institute of Governance, Queen’s University Belfast. Carried out by Queen’s PhD student Brendan Sturgeon, the ongoing research examines…
Growing Up Fast
Will Houston’s charter school expansion revolutionize urban education? Original Source by Jay Mathews It all began with the waiting lists. At Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, long waiting lists are seen as evidence of high standards and prestige. But long waiting lists were the cause of…
Author: Philanthropy Magazine