Results List
Mayors Call For Expanded Learning
Original Source The US Conference of Mayors calls for investments in school-community partnerships to support “full day” learning. The US Conference of Mayors passed a resolution calling on federal, state and local governments to invest in coordinated, expanded learning or “full day” strategies that integrate…
Author: The After-School Corporation
The Center for After-School Excellence Graduates First Class of After-School Educators
Original Source The after-school field in New York took an important step toward boosting the success of kids who attend after-school and summer programs citywide. In a first for New York City, 72 after-school educators who work with kids in all five boroughs studied this…
Author: The Center for After-School Excellence
Parents Scramble as Ax Falls on After-School Programs
Original Source Afterschool Alliance and The After-School Corporation are Atlantic grantees. By SUE SHELLENBARGER A critical safety net for working parents is unraveling, and many are bracing to pay a hefty price. As schools open their doors this month and next, closings and cutbacks at…
Author: The Wall Street Journal
Service Movement Creates Opportunities for After-School
The Youth Development Institute (through the Fund for the City of New York) is an Atlantic grantee. by Peter Kleinbard What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility: a recognition on the part of every American that we have duties to…
Author: Youth Today
What's Next for After-School? Expanded Learning Time
Point of View by Lucy Friedman Kids spend less than a quarter of their waking hours attending school. A kid who lives on the 20th floor of a Bronx high-rise is still bound by a school schedule created a century ago for families who needed…
Author: New York Nonprofit Press
Baltimore after-school center for at-risk youth plans to expand
Original Source By Carolyn Peirce An after-school center for at-risk youth in Baltimore hopes to reduce the number of high school dropouts through a $2 million grant to build more centers and improve programs providing students with technology training and support with their academics. The…
Author: Baltimore Examiner
U.S. Dream Academy Announces Major Expansion of After-School Mentoring and Technology Training Programs for At-Risk Youth
$2 million donation by The Atlantic Philanthropies to boost outreach in key cities, establish monitoring system to maximize effectivenessCOLUMBIA, Md., Nov 24, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ — The U.S. Dream Academy, a nationally-recognized after-school education and mentoring program which currently serves more than 800 high-risk…
Author: U.S. Dream Academy
Toyota USA Foundation Awards $3.3 Million for American K-12 Education
Original Source The Academy for Educational Development, the Children’s Aid Society and The After-School Corporation are Atlantic grantees. The Toyota USA Foundation has announced grants totaling $3.3 million to twelve organizations working in the areas of K-12 math, science, and environmental education. The foundation awarded…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
The Purpose Prize: Often the Best Chapters are the Later Ones
When Gordon Johnson was a teenager, his Dad took in two nieces and two nephews whose parents were unable to care for them. He never forgot his father’s big-spirited act, or the neglect by government care agencies that made it necessary. Mr. Johnson pursued a…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Evaluation Spotlight: Staying After School in College
Lessons from a university certificate program for after-school staff. 01 Oct 2008 by Erika Fitzpatrick In a mostly glowing initial review of a certificate program for after-school workers in New York City lies a dash of cold reality: the need for pathways of advancement for…
Author: YouthToday