Results List
Ending Well: Maximizing Lasting Impact
When we finally close our doors, The Atlantic Philanthropies will become the largest foundation ever to deliberately conclude grantmaking within the lifetime of its donor. We’re conscious of making every investment count – in Chuck Feeney’s words: to make the “highest and best use” of…
Author: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Robinson and McGuinness Announce £58 Million Investment
First Minister the Rt. Hon. Peter D. Robinson MLA and the deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness MLA have announced a £58 million investment to deliver improved services for parents, shared education and support for people with dementia and their carers. The total value of the…
Author: Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, Northern Ireland
‘Two Countries, No Home’
By Verity Oswin Earlier this year, I met a group of young people in Mexico City who call themselves “the other Dreamers,” undocumented young people taken to the United States as children who returned to their birth countries. Some had been deported, while others had…
Author: The New York Times
House Calls Are Making a Comeback
A relic from the medical past — the house call — is returning to favor as part of some hospitals’ palliative care programs, which are sending teams of physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains and other workers to patients’ homes after they are discharged. The goal…
Author: The New York Times
Raising Dementia Awareness
By Claire O’Connell Dr Kate Irving, Elevator project lead, Prof Brian MacCraith, President of DCU and and Kathleen Lynch TD at the Dementia Elevator launch. An initiative is “walking the lives” of people with dementia to assess their needs and to increase public awareness of…
Author: Irish Times
Getting the Communication Plan Right From Day One
Stacey Easterling is a Programme Executive for Ageing at The Atlantic Philanthropies. In 2007, The Atlantic Philanthropies began funding a national pilot in which success depended on engaging, and helping shift society’s perceptions of, people over age 60. This pilot needed to take hold in a…
Author: Stacey Easterling, Programme Executive
Keeping kids insured: CHIP shows how bipartisanship can solve problems
Author Bruce Lesley is President of First Focus, an Atlantic grantee through the Children & Youth programme in the United States. by Bruce Lesley Three years ago, a bill to extend and improve the Children’s Health Insurance Program became law. On Feb. 4, 2009, we…
Author: Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Finally, some good news on the uninsured
By Anne Dunkelberg and Eileen Garcia and Laura Guerra-Cardus New data from the U.S. Census Bureau on health insurance coverage confirm what parents all over Texas will tell you: Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are lifelines for our state’s children. While unemployment has doubled since 2007, the…
Author: The Houston Chronicle
Political 'system' putting off youth
RTE Radio News at One interview (July 29)‘Almost 50% of young people unhappy with Ireland’ By Deaglán de Bréadún THE LACK of engagement in Irish politics by young people reflects the conservative nature of the system, the MacGill Summer School was told yesterday. Speaking on…
Author: The Irish Times
National policy planning needs to take a 'life course' perspective
By Lorna Siggins. NATIONAL policy planning should take a “life course” perspective from birth to old age, an NUI Galway (NUIG) report has found. The research by NUIG’s Irish Centre for Social Gerontology and School of Business and Economics says that planning should extend as…
Author: The Irish Times