Results List
Mending the Safety Net
THE BIG IDEA: Lower-class children are bombarded with obstacles to success, not the least of which are higher rates of asthma, poorer nutrition, and less than adequate access to medical care. “Kids aren’t going to learn and succeed in school if they aren’t feeling well,”…
Author: Urbanite Baltimore Magazine
Beyond the classroom
Original Source by Phuong Ly Middle-grade students at Reavis Elementary in Kenwood are learning Brazilian martial arts. Perspectives Charter Middle School at Calumet in Auburn Gresham wants to require students to learn to swim. Ames Middle School in Logan Square will have a garden and…
Author: Catalyst Chicago
Wall Street's Tremors Leave Harlem Shaken
by TIMOTHY WILLIAMS Before its economic turnaround in recent years, Harlem was a case study in disinvestment. Banks were unwilling to make mortgage loans or to open branches, national chain stores could not be lured uptown, city services lagged and the neighborhood became economically isolated…
Author: The New York Times
Teaching Kids Whole-Life Skills
At the Arts and Technology Academy in Northeast, sex education is taking a distinctly different tack. Moving far beyond anatomy, educators at the charter school are using what they call an “above the waist” approach to help prevent teen pregnancy. Teacher Willa Reinhard walks around…
Author: Washington Post
Nursing and Dental Faculty and Students Engage in Oakland School-Based Clinics
Karen Duderstadt with students at James Madison Middle School (photo by Elisabeth Fall) By Martha Ross Two eighth-graders come running into the health clinic at James Madison Middle School in East Oakland. The boys have an emergency of sorts. They want to know if they can borrow…
Author: UCSF Science of Caring
School health centers expand despite lack of state funding
By Louis Freedberg. Two of the state’s largest districts are undergoing a major expansion of health centers on school campuses after promised help from Sacramento never came. To build new facilities, Oakland and Los Angeles are tapping a combination of voter-approved bond money, fees from…
Author: California Watch
Cover: The 25 Best Givers
With money tight, top philanthropists insist on more bang for the buck. Meet the 25 most effective givers. The KIPP Foundation is an Atlantic grantee. By Suzanne McGee. THE NAME OF THE GAME IN PHILANTHROPY this year is to make your dollars go far —…
Author: Barron's
U.S. Dream Academy Announces Major Expansion of After-School Mentoring and Technology Training Programs for At-Risk Youth
$2 million donation by The Atlantic Philanthropies to boost outreach in key cities, establish monitoring system to maximize effectivenessCOLUMBIA, Md., Nov 24, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ — The U.S. Dream Academy, a nationally-recognized after-school education and mentoring program which currently serves more than 800 high-risk…
Author: U.S. Dream Academy
Budget woes force cuts in summer-school programs
Original Source By David Crary, AP National Writer From coast to coast, tough financial conditions are forcing school districts and nonprofit groups to cut back on summer programs that are widely viewed as invaluable to both struggling and superior students. The casualties including enrichment programs…
Author: The Boston Globe (AP)
Dropout-Prevention Program Sees to The Basics of Life
Original Source By Jay Mathews Washington Post Staff Writer Word was getting around about the new problem solver on campus. So the mother tracked her down one recent day in a makeshift office on the second floor of a Southeast Washington public school. “I don’t…
Author: The Washington Post