Results List
Project on Nonprofit Contracting
Grantee: Union Institute Center for Public Policy
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $200,000
Nonprofit Policy Agenda Project
Grantee: Union Institute Center for Public Policy
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $100,000
Community of Light Project
Grantee: Indiana University - Center on Philanthropy
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $40,000
Core Support
Grantee: Ithaca Community Childcare Center
Grant amount: $10,000
National Mediation and Medical Ethics Project
Grantee: University of New Mexico - Center for Health Law and Ethics
Grant amount: $95,000
Jerome H. Brud Holland Scholarship Program
Grantee: Johns Hopkins University/Center for Talented Youth
Grant amount: $70,000
Project Zero
Grantee: Harvard University Graduate School of Education
Grant amount: $2,500,000
Travel Support
Grantee: Beloit College
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $6,000
Membership Renewal
Grantee: University of Southern Calif. - Business Institute on Aging
Grant amount: $5,000
Implementation Support
Grantee: Consortium for International Crop Protection
Grant amount: $75,000
Duke Program on Violence and the Media
Grantee: Duke University - Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $550,000
Conference Support
Grantee: Case Western Reserve University
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $10,000
Core Support
Grantee: City Innovation
Grant amount: $200,000
Voluntas Publication Support
Grantee: Independent Sector
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $5,000
Conference Support
Grantee: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Grant amount: $45,000
Tennis Facility
Grantee: Cornell University
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $800,000
Strategic Media Training and Resource Center
Grantee: Communications Consortium Media Center
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $335,000
International Leadership Center on Longevity and Society Projects
Grantee: Mount Sinai School of Medicine/Department of Geriatrics
Grant amount: $131,000
Student Exchange
Grantee: Foundation for a Civil Society
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $73,000
TEAMWORK-South Africa
Grantee: Northeastern Univ./Center for the Study of Sport in Society
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $5,000
Haas Center
Grantee: Stanford University - Office of the President
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $95,000
Strategic Development
Grantee: CO-OPERATION Ireland
Grant amount: $41,599
Strategic Review
Grantee: Parent Network
Grant amount: $32,843
Core Support
Grantee: Society of the Sacred Heart - Irish/Scottish Province
Grant amount: $56,849
Fellowship Program
Grantee: Chapin Hall Center for Children at The University of Chicago
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $600,000
Framework for Design Science
Grantee: Education Development Center
Grant amount: $150,000
Coalition Campus Schools Project
Grantee: Center for Collaborative Education
Grant amount: $80,000
Grantee: Irish Cancer Society
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $4,832
Core Support
Grantee: National Elementary School Center
Grant amount: $100,000
Study of Exceptional Reasoning Ability and Application Program
Grantee: University of Iowa - Belin Nat'l Center for Gifted Education
Grant amount: $61,500
Research Support
Grantee: Chapin Hall Center for Children at The University of Chicago
Grant amount: $10,000
Pretest and National Survey
Grantee: University of Chicago - National Opinion Research Center
Grant amount: $100,000
Core Support
Grantee: Center for Communications, Health and the Environment
Grant amount: $200,000
Conference Support
Grantee: Literacy Assistance Center, Inc.
Grant amount: $10,000
Core Support
Grantee: St. Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center of New York
Grant amount: $60,000
The New Standards Project
Grantee: National Center on Education and the Economy
Grant amount: $1,500,000
Victory Garden Travel Support
Grantee: Center for Citizen Initiatives
Grant amount: $10,000
The Lincoln Institute’s Evaluation and Curriculum Development Project
Grantee: Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Grant amount: $800,000
Core Support
Grantee: Center for Community Change
Grant amount: $500,000
Core Support
Grantee: New York City Outward Bound Center
Grant amount: $100,000
Career Beginnings/Higher Ground
Grantee: New England Medical Center - The Health Institute
Grant amount: $100,000
Research Study
Grantee: National Society of Fund-Raising Executives Foundation
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $40,200
Leadership Development Program
Grantee: Duke Univ./Center for the Study of Aging & Human Development
Grant amount: $400,000
Publication Support
Grantee: Union Institute Center for Public Policy
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $10,000
Linking Lifetimes
Grantee: Temple University - Center for Intergenerational Learning
Grant amount: $200,000
Young People’s National Service Coalition
Grantee: Indiana University - Center on Philanthropy
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $6,000
Jerome H. Brud Holland Scholarship Program
Grantee: Johns Hopkins University/Center for Talented Youth
Grant amount: $152,600
School Inspection Study
Grantee: Boston College
Grant amount: $60,000
Core Support
Grantee: Education Commission of the States
Grant amount: $5,000
Discretionary Fund
Grantee: Texas Tech University Medical Foundation
Grant amount: $450,000