Results List
A New Era of Service
Source: TIME Magazine
During this economic crisis, the President says, the need for an army of volunteers is more urgent than ever Original Source By Barack Obama I started my career more than two decades ago as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago, working with…
Resource type: News
Donating, With Care
Source: Washington Post
Now More Cautious, Some Are Keeping Philanthropy Closer to Home Donating, With Care Now More Cautious, Some Are Keeping Philanthropy Closer to Home By Kathleen Day Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, November 19, 2006; F01 Americans give generously, but that charitable spirit recently has been…
Resource type: News
Obama to Sign Landmark National-Service Measure on Tuesday
Source: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Original Source By Suzanne Perry The nonprofit world will take a break from its economic woes and celebrate a big political victory on Tuesday when President Obama signs landmark legislation that boosts national service, volunteerism, and innovative social projects. The president, fulfilling a campaign pledge…
Resource type: News
Countries Make Push To Increase Eye Donors
Source: The New York Times
Original Source By BINA VENKATARAMAN Eye donation recently got a new public face in Syria, where the Grand Mufti, the highest official of religious law, pledged to donate his corneas upon death to help one of the thousands of people waiting for transplants there. In…
Resource type: News
New Opportunities for Older Americans to Provide National Service
Older Americans will have more opportunities to provide national service under the provisions of a new law, according to this speech by Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, in Washington to commemorate the signing of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act in…
Resource type: Speech
Atlantic’s Health Equity Champions
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Our grantees have led the way to fairer and better health care around the world. Meet some of them. [caption id="attachment_82595" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Photo: Magnum Foundation[/caption] One of the best things about working at The Atlantic Philanthropies is that we have the privilege of supporting extraordinary leaders and…
Resource type: News
Growling and Kicking for Social Change
It is time for Americans to bring together two powerful forces that are often disconnected - the desire to serve and the necessity to take social action to change systems that often give rise to the need for these services, said Gara LaMarche, President and…
Resource type: Speech
How We Adopted the Fourth of July
Source: The New York Times
Perhaps because America is a nation of immigrants, immigration has always been a fraught political issue. How immigrants define themselves and how the laws determine who is welcome and who is not have played out in various ways throughout American history. Yet immigrants are among…
Resource type: News
Philanthropy and Government: Striking the Right Balance
Source: Gara LaMarche
Now that both major parties in the U.S. have presumptive nominees for the Presidency, it seems like a good time to share some thoughts on the relationships between philanthropy and government – relationships that Atlantic has considerable experience with in each of the countries in…
Resource type: News
Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity: Leading the Way to a More Just Future
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
[caption id="attachment_78849" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Photo: Getty Images[/caption] Dismantling anti-black racism to advance fairer, healthier and more inclusive societies for all The Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity is one of an interconnected set of fellowship programs – the Atlantic Fellows – launched by The Atlantic Philanthropies…
Resource type: News