What Ambitious Donors Can Learn From The Atlantic Philanthropies' Experience Making Big Bets
This analysis of 25 of Atlantic’s “big bet” grants — those over $10 million or more to a single organization or focused initiative — examines both impact and lessons learned.

Value, Time, and Time-Limited Philanthropy
Can limiting a foundation’s life help it make a greater impact? Author Tony Proscio applies the broad logic of investment returns to three real-life examples.

Harvest Time for the Atlantic Philanthropies
A series of seven reports examining the major decisions behind Altlanitic’s concluding operations and culminating “big bets,” including the founding of the Atlantic Fellows Programs.

Strategic Time Horizons in Philanthropy
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors provides an overview of trends and best practices, as well as practical considerations for philanthropies seeking to be more intentional about their time horizons in giving.
Featured Collections
Curated collections sharing insights, impact, and lessons learned by topic and region.
Philanthropy’s Promise in Polarized Societies
Giving While Living
Limited Life Philanthropy
Advancing Social Change Through Advocacy
Capital Projects: Laying Foundations for Change
Supporting Atlantic’s Staff in its Final Phase
Atlantic Fellows
Government Partnerships & Engagement
Using the Law to Secure Social Change
Lessons from Australia
Lessons from Cuba
Lessons from Northern Ireland
Lessons from the Republic of Ireland
Lessons from South Africa
Lessons from Viet Nam
U.S. Grantees on Film
Annual Letters and Reports