Results List
Nursing and Dental Faculty and Students Engage in Oakland School-Based Clinics
Source: UCSF Science of Caring
Karen Duderstadt with students at James Madison Middle School (photo by Elisabeth Fall) By Martha RossTwo eighth-graders come running into the health clinic at James Madison Middle School in East Oakland. The boys have an emergency of sorts. They want to know if they can borrow stethoscopes. Standing at…
Resource type: News
Drummond: Finding solutions to help high school dropouts
Source: Oakland Tribune
By Tammerlin Drummond In Oakland and in other cities around the country, students have been dropping out of high school in droves. The numbers for African-Americans are especially dire: Those leaving school versus those graduating have been virtually neck and neck. That was before the…
Resource type: News
Why are some students subjected to harsher discipline than others? How can we fix this problem?
Source: Kavitha Mediratta and M. Karega Rausch
This post is an excerpt from Kavitha Mediratta's and M. Karega Rausch's introduction to Inequality in School Discipline, a new book that fills a critical void by providing the most current and authoritative information on what is known about disciplinary disparities.
Resource type: News
School health centers expand despite lack of state funding
Source: California Watch
By Louis Freedberg. Two of the state’s largest districts are undergoing a major expansion of health centers on school campuses after promised help from Sacramento never came.To build new facilities, Oakland and Los Angeles are tapping a combination of voter-approved bond money, fees from Medi-Cal…
Resource type: News
Discipline with Dignity: Oakland Schools Try Talk Circles
Source: The Christian Science Monitor
By Fania Davis, YES! MagazineAs executive director of Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth, Fania Davis sees programs like hers helping to shut down the school-to-prison pipeline.'Punitive justice asks only what rule of law was broken, who did it, and how they should be punished. It…
Resource type: News
Communities for Just Schools Fund Newsletter: July 2015
Source: Communities for Just Schools Fund
The Communities for Just Schools Fund (CJSF) is a new national donor collaborative that supports constituency-led organizing efforts to create positive and supportive school climates, which affirm and foster the success of all students. Building upon the groundbreaking initiatives of the Just and Fair Schools…
Resource type: News
Oakland Schools Help Parents Sign Up for Covered California
Source: The California Report
Antonia Briones (left), an Alameda County Social Services Agency eligibility technician, helps Gabino Pablo (right) with Covered California enrollment as the deadline approaches. (Rachel Dornhelm/KQED)The robocall went out this week to every parent of an Oakland public school student:“Hello! This is the Oakland Unified School…
Resource type: News
Integrating Youth Services
Source: Stanford Social Innovation Review
By Sam Scott. Al and Marshae Rivera keep their home stocked with candy—all the better to stop their kids from venturing out to buy some themselves. No one knows better than they do that in East Oakland, Calif., even short trips can turn violent. Their…
Resource type: News
Evaluation of the Oakland Health Pathways Project: Technical Report
Source: SRI Education
This final evaluation report presents findings from the Oakland Health Pathways Project (OHPP), a joint initiative of Oakland Unified School District, Alameda Health System, and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. The initiative is designed to improve educational and long-term employment outcomes for youth of…
Resource type: Research Report
Evaluation of the Oakland Health Pathways Project
Source: SRI Education
This final evaluation report presents findings from the Oakland Health Pathways Project (OHPP), a joint initiative of Oakland Unified School District, Alameda Health System, and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. The initiative is designed to improve educational and long-term employment outcomes for youth of…
Resource type: Research Report