Results List
Repairing the Broken Infrastructure of Justice in America
Source: Gara LaMarche
Steps to repair the US justice system are outlined in this speech by Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, at the Alliance for Justice 30th Anniversary Luncheon, Washington, D.C. View video of this speech at the Alliance for Justice web site. Thank you,…
Resource type: Speech
Developing and Implementing Dementia Policy in Ireland
Source: Centre for Economic and Social Research on Dementia, NUI Galway
This report is a follow up to Creating Excellence in Dementia Care (2012), which informed Ireland’s National Dementia Strategy. It reflects on progress since 2012 on various aspects of care for people with dementia in Ireland and internationally with a view to informing future developments in…
Resource type: Research Report
Beyond the Win: Pathways for Policy Implementation
Source: ORS Impact
When it comes to policy, most attention is focused on “the win.” But—as so many advocates know—“the win” is just the beginning. Once a policy has been “won,” it moves to the policy implementation phase, where there are innumerable new decisions to make as well…
Resource type: Research Report
A Baseline Study on the Provision of Hospice/Specialist Palliative Care Services in Ireland
Source: The Irish Hospice Foundation
This baseline study found a wide regional divergence in the range of services and care options available to people in the Republic of Ireland and also revealed a significant shortfall in government funding as well as a consequent lack of progress in the development of…
Resource type: Research Report
Inside Obama’s ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ Initiative
Source: PBS NewsHour
Solutions to complex issues like the impact of race require not just a desire to change but the actual tools to make change. In 2014, the Obama administration began My Brother’s Keeper, a public and private collaboration to create opportunities for young men of color to…
Resource type: Video
Aging and Economic Security Evaluation: Crosscutting Lessons Learned
Source: North Star Planning and Evaluation Consultants
This evaluation of Atlantic’s grantmaking to support the economic security of low-income elders identifies elements most likely to help advance a policy agenda when working in a politically charged environment: Use a state-by-state approach and target multiple levels of government to show incremental progress for national results…
Resource type: Evaluation
Gara LaMarche’s Speech at MIT’s Starr Forum – Reclaiming the Moral Life of Philanthropy
27 September 2010 Has philanthropy lost “moral clarity,” growing more concerned with the fix, the intervention, than about reasons for doing or caring about what is right? In a speech given on 27 September 2010 at the Starr Forum at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for…
Resource type: Video
“A Spend-out Approach to Philanthropy”
Source: Colin McCrea
Colin McCrea addresses the challenges and rewards of Atlantic’s approach to philanthropy at the Institute of Philanthropy’s recent conference in London. All of us involved in philanthropy would like to see more people giving more money in a more thoughtful way. There is no…
Resource type: Speech
The Corner Office, Non-Profit Edition: A Practitioner’s Thoughts on Social Justice Management
Source: Gara LaMarche
Social justice management should be both more humane and tougher, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, in this speech at the Yale School of Management. I was at first flattered when I heard that students here at the Yale School of Management…
Resource type: Speech
Northern Ireland Has Much More to Accomplish in Human Rights
Source: Martin O'Brien
The Good Friday Agreement represented a critical step forward for human rights in Northern Ireland, but it is essential to focus on what hasn’t yet been accomplished, said Martin O’Brien, Programme Director, Reconciliation & Human Rights Programme at The Atlantic Philanthropies, in this speech at…
Resource type: Speech