Results List
Social Justice Journalism: Lessons from Health-e News
Source: Barbara Klugman
This report examines how quality advocacy journalism from Health-e News, a South African nonprofit news service focused on the country’s delivery of public health services, is helping advance the goal of achieving a healthy, equitable and just nation. Health-e News, which was founded in 1999, came to prominence…
Resource type: Research Report
What Ambitious Donors Can Learn From The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Experience Making Big Bets
Source: The Bridgespan Group
This report analyzes 25 of Atlantic’s “big bet” grants—those over $10 million or more to a single organization or focused initiative—and highlights impact and lessons. The report also discusses what worked and some of the challenges the foundation, its grantees and partners faced. Atlantic President…
Resource type: Research Report
Aging and Economic Security Evaluation: Crosscutting Lessons Learned
Source: North Star Planning and Evaluation Consultants
This evaluation of Atlantic’s grantmaking to support the economic security of low-income elders identifies elements most likely to help advance a policy agenda when working in a politically charged environment: Use a state-by-state approach and target multiple levels of government to show incremental progress for national results…
Resource type: Evaluation
The Path to a People-Centered Health System
Source: Community Catalyst
Millions of Americans now have access to health coverage and care, thanks to the Affordable Care Act. But the health care system in the United States is still notable for its variable quality, inefficiency, high costs, health inequities and lack of responsiveness to the needs…
Resource type: Research Report
Civil Partnership and Ireland: How a Minority Achieved a Majority
Source: Clear Thinking Communications & Center for Evaluation Innovation
In 2010, Ireland enacted some of the most far-reaching legal protections for gay and lesbian couples in the world. The case study describes the story of how this historic legislation gained passage in a largely Catholic country that just 16 years earlier had decriminalised homosexual…
Resource type: Research Report
The State of Young America: Economic Barriers to the American Dream
Source: Demos and Young Invincibles
Today’s 20-somethings are the first generation, as a whole, to face downward economic mobility compared with their parents’ generation, according to a new report. While these “millenials” are the most technologically savvy, diverse and tolerant generation in history, their dreams are clouded by high student…
Resource type: Research Report
Promoting Dignity, Equality and Opportunity for All People
In October 2008, days before the U.S. presidential election, the American Constitution Society released “Human Rights at Home: A Domestic Policy Blueprint for the New Administration.” The Blueprint addresses “the gap between the promise and practice” of human rights in the United States and proposes…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Confronting Systemic Inequity in Education: High Impact Strategies for Philanthropy
Source: National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
This report looks at how philanthropy can be more effective at helping to reform and improve our nation’s school systems. Every year, foundations provide billions in grants for education. Yet, our education system is in crisis: American schoolchildren – especially those from vulnerable communities – remain trapped in…
Resource type: Research Report
Reclaiming the Moral Life of Philanthropy
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, discussed his concerns about a growing need for a stronger moral framework for philanthropy at the Starr Forum at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Forty-five years ago, a young aide named Bill Moyers sat in the…
Resource type: Speech
Say Hello to the Civic Participation Action Fund
Source: Civic Participation Action Fund
With important social justice movements around the nation gaining momentum, committed advocacy and voter engagement is critical. To continue Atlantic’s support for policy change in the United States beyond our limited life, Atlantic has established a new, independent Washington, D.C.-based organization, the Civic Participation Action Fund…
Resource type: Video