Results List
School Discipline Consensus Report
Source: The Council of State Governments Justice Center
The research and data on school discipline practices is clear: Millions of students are removed from their classrooms each year, overwhelmingly for minor misconduct. We can’t allow this trend to continue. Addressing staggeringly high suspension rates is essential to making school a place where students…
Resource type: Research Report
Ready to Learn: Working in Partnership with Schools and Families to Help Raise Achievement
Source: Institute of Child Care Research, Queen’s University Belfast
Completing school is a fundamental task in order to succeed in life. Yet too many children from disadvantaged backgrounds fall behind soon after they start school and never catch up. A programme designed to help young children get the start they need has shown promising…
Resource type: Research Report
Keeping Kids In School and Out of Court
Source: New York City School-Justice Partnership Task Force
The next mayor of New York City should quickly establish an inter-agency initiative, in collaboration with the courts, to significantly reduce suspensions, summonses, and arrests of public school students while shifting to positive approaches to discipline, according to this report from the New York City…
Resource type: Research Report
First-Year Implementation of the Center for After-School Excellence Certificate Programs
Source: Center of After-School Excellence
A college-based, one-year certificate programme for after-school workers garnered positive response from U.S. participants who said the programme helped them improve their academic abilities as well as their knowledge about working with youth, according to this evaluation by Policy Study Associates.The Center of After-School Excellence…
Resource type: Evaluation
Strategies for Implementing School-Based Services
Source: Child Trends
Top practitioners and policymakers from New Mexico share what they learned in implementing school-based health services and extended learning opportunities in this case study prepared by Child Trends. Elev8 New Mexico is an initiative of the Children & Youth Programme of The Atlantic Philanthropies, and…
Resource type: Research Report
Roosevelt Middle School: Bridging Cultures, Creating Community
A small blue and green globe is passed from hand to hand as parents, staff, and community partners introduce themselves and share about a cultural tradition or characteristic that they’re proud of – and that they want other members of their school community to understand…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Welcome to the School of Resiliency
It’s a Thursday morning in mid- December and Betsye Steele, principal of Ralph J. Bunche High School, is holding her weekly new-student orientation session. She sits at the small table in her office talking with Antwon, the school’s newest student, and his grandfather. As they…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Out of School and “On the Wall”
Source: Columbia University School of Social Work
A Qualitative Look into the Lives of Unemployed Young Black Bermudian Men and the Gender Gap in Educational Attainment Black Bermudian boys are getting kicked out of school at an alarming rate. Reversing this trend will require better community and classroom support for these boys,…
Resource type: Research Report
Out-of-School Time in Elev8 Community Schools
Source: Research for Action & McClanahan Associates, Inc.
A solid, high-quality education is a key to successful adulthood; however, young people from low-income families and communities often face a myriad of educational and academic challenges that put them at risk for ongoing disadvantage in life. The Atlantic Philanthropies and others support community schools…
Resource type: Evaluation
Educate Every Child: Promoting Positive Solutions to School Discipline in Virginia
Source: JustChildren Program of the Legal Aid Justice Center
Too many students in Virginia’s public schools are suspended or expelled due to harsh disciplinary policies, according to this report. Based on an analysis of Virginia’s Safe School Information Resource, the report concludes that excluding students from school does not improve behaviour and comes at…
Resource type: Research Report