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Wider Opportunities for Women Announces New State Partners in the Elder Economic Security Initiative
Elder Economic Security Initiative blog WASHINGTON, D.C. Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) announces the expansion of its Elder Economic Security Initiative™ program to Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Minnesota. The Initiative is a national campaign to ensure that all older Americans are able to age…
Author: Wider Opportunities for Women
The United States and the World Since 9/11: Less Safe and Less Free
One result of the Bush Administration’s striking combination of ineptitude and contempt for law and government is a growing shelf, on its way to becoming a library, of books that chronicle and analyze the ways in which constitutional rights and international law have been assaulted…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Deficit panel leaders propose curbs on Social Security, major cuts in spending, tax breaks
By Lori Montgomery The chairmen of President Obama’s bipartisan deficit commission on Wednesday offered an aggressive plan to rebalance the federal budget by curbing increases in Social Security benefits, slashing spending at the Pentagon and other agencies, and wiping out more than $100 billion a year…
Author: The Washington Post
James Roosevelt Remarks on the Social Security
James Roosevelt, grandson of President Franklin Roosevelt, discussed Social Security and why it’s still needed today. According to a recent Social Security and Medicare report, Social Security will pay out more in benefits than it receives in tax revenues for this year and next year.…
Author: C-SPAN
New Interactive Video Educates Latino Youth About the Program and Includes a Chance to Win a Trip to Washington
Today, NCLR is rolling out a new campaign, the Social Security VideoQuiz, to educate Latino youth about Social Security and what it means for them and their families. Social Security supports workers when they retire or if they become disabled, and if a parent dies,…
Author: National Council of La Raza
NCOA Launches One Away Campaign for Elder Economic Security; Releases National Poll on Struggles Facing Older Adults
Campaign Uses Video to Spotlight the Problem, Calls for Change in the Older Americans Act WASHINGTON, March 31, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — More than 13 million older adults are considered economically insecure, living on just $21,780 a year or less. Every day, these seniors, and millions of Boomers, have to choose…
Author: PR Newswire
Homeland-Security Officials to Meet With Foundation Leaders
By Caroline Preston. Officials from several foundations are scheduled to meet today in Washington with representatives from the Department of Homeland Security as part of an effort by the federal government to learn what philanthropy is doing to fight terrorism and other violent acts spurred…
Author: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Raising False Alarms
By Bob Herbert If there’s a better government program than Social Security, I’d like to know what it is. It has gone a long way toward eliminating poverty among the elderly. Great numbers of them used to live and die in ghastly, Dickensian conditions of…
Author: The New York Times
Department of Homeland Security-funded counterterror trainings smear Muslims
PRA’s groundbreaking exposé of how tax dollars fund anti-Muslim trainings for police and counterterrorism personnel won the attention of news outlets and policy makers at its release this spring. We’ve been keeping the pressure on the Department of Homeland Security to stop funding flawed and bigoted…
Author: PRA in the News
Elder Economic Security Initiative launches new blog
The National Elder Economic Security Initiative™ program at Wider Opportunities for Women has been experiencing tremendous growth. We continue to develop the multifaceted character of the Initiative which coincides with our well-rounded approach to the measurement and assessment of the income adequacy of older Americans.…
Author: Wider Opportunities for Women