Results List
Treatment of HIV patients resumes in Free State
by Anso Thom and Lungi Langa Most hospital and clinics in the Free State have still not started treating the more than 15 000 people waiting for their antiretroviral drugs, but the national Department of Health has given the assurance that drugs will now start…
Author: The Star
Susie O'Neill is seeing life differently
by Fiona Purdon OLYMPIC swimming gold medallist Susie O’Neill and her ophthalmologist husband Cliff Fairley will never forget the unbridled joy and emotion from eye surgery recipients in Vietnam. One grandmother’s reaction especially left an impression after O’Neill and Fairley were part of a Fred…
Author: The Courier Mail (Australia)
Elderly face greater road risks
by EITHNE DONNELLAN OLDER PEOPLE do not have sufficient time to cross the road safely at many pedestrian crossings in Dublin as a result of the way traffic lights are currently sequenced, a new study has found. The research, presented at the annual scientific meeting…
Author: The Irish Times
Medical cards for over-70s 'are being reviewed'
HEALTH Minister Mary Harney confirmed yesterday that the over-70s’ automatic entitlement to a medical card is under review and health spending increases for next year will be “negligible”. The minister said she was not “ruling anything in or ruling anything out” on medical cards. Meetings…
Author: The Irish Times
Atlantic Philanthropies Awards $3.5 Million for Vietnamese Hospital Expansion
Original Source Atlantic Philanthropies has awarded $3.5 million for the construction of a state-of-the-art facility to house the departments of oncology and tropical diseases at Da Nang Hospital in Vietnam, the Vietnam News Service reports. The project will be implemented by the California-based East Meets…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
Harney calls for doubling of hospice spending
Republic of Ireland Excerpt: The Tánaiste and the Minister for Health has described as appalling the lack of privacy given to terminally ill patients in hospitals. Mary Harney added that spending on hospices should be doubled. Launching a study that shows the northwest area is…
Author: RTE News
Audacious Philanthropy
Image: Christopher Corr / Getty Images By Susan Wolf Ditkoff and Abe Grindle Private philanthropists have helped propel some of the most important social-impact success stories of the past century: Virtually eradicating polio globally. Providing free and reduced-price lunches for all needy schoolchildren in the United…
Author: Harvard Business Review
The Atlantic Philanthropies Establishes New Fellowship Program at Columbia University to Dismantle Anti-Black Racism in the U.S. and South Africa
Program will empower and connect dynamic individuals committed to working together across disciplines and borders to advance fairer, healthier, more inclusive societies. “At a time when issues of race and identity are at the forefront of intense debates in South Africa, the U.S. and around…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
5 Humble Humanitarian Heroes
By Oliver Lee You don’t need to be Angelina Jolie or Bono to be a great humanitarian. Nothing against celebri-tarians, of course. It can’t be easy galavanting across the globe, giving speeches for good causes, paparazzi pouncing every time you hug a malnourished Sudanese child.…
Author: TakePart
Zuma's call to nurses
SANDTON – Nurses should invoke the spirits of their noble predecessors Florence Nightingale, Cecilia Makiwane and Henrietta Stockdale and restore the profession to its rightful place in society, President Jacob Zuma told a Nursing Summit. Two thousand nurses from around the country have converged on…
Author: Health-E