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Advocacy Q&A with Gara LaMarche in Responsive Philanthropy magazine
Original Source NCRP LOOKS AT CREATING IMPACT Highlights two major foundations’ funding for community organizing and advocacy, and critical role of nonprofit leadership WASHINGTON, D.C.-The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) released today the summer edition of Responsive Philanthropy. This issue features articles on the…
Author: Responsive Philanthropy
Nonprofits Adopting a For-Profit Model
By MILLIE MUNSHI NEW YORK — Dan Cardinali is running his nonprofit organization like a business. Communities In Schools, a national dropout prevent program, went through a painful process last year similar to a cooperate reorganization that included program cuts and layoffs. Working with a…
Author: The New York Times
An untapped wealth of talent
Original Source By Linda Hersey WESTBROOK: Maine has a silent army of civic leaders and volunteers poised and ready to be activated to improve the quality of life for all residents. They are retirees men and women who’ve had fulfilling careers and are embarking on…
Fran Barrett Appointed Director of Capacity Building at The Atlantic Philanthropies
Fran Barrett has been appointed Director of Capacity Building at The Atlantic Philanthropies effective September 6, Senior Vice President and Marcia Smith announced today. In this newly created role, Barrett will manage a unit of communications, advocacy, organizational development and fundraising experts who will provide…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Has Inclusiveness Taken Hold in Philanthropy?
How well are minorities represented within foundation staff and boards, and how well are the less advantaged served through grants? In June 2009, a group of nonprofit leaders had a candid panel discussion on diversity in philanthropy, referencing the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors’ new report, Philanthropy…
ReServe Explores Sharing its Model with Other Nonprofits
Original Source Retirees looking for meaning and ways to use their skills and experience and nonprofits looking for seasoned talent have been slow to connect. But their parallel paths are now bending into arcs that create can-do circles, and ReServe, with a grant from the…
Author: ReServe
Betting Big on New Leaders in Health Equity
This is an historic year for The Atlantic Philanthropies. In 2016, we have reached our 35th year of grantmaking, and also our last. In recent updates, I’ve discussed our culminating grants that build on our three and a half decades of work to address…
Author: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
A Move to Expand Volunteer Ranks
Original Source By ELIZABETH POPE OLDER Americans who want to help solve the nation’s social problems will soon have even more opportunities to do so. Last month, Congress passed legislation that expands national and community service programs and includes provisions to attract adults over 55…
Author: The New York Times
How Does the Serve America Act (S. 277) Affect Americans in the Second Half of Life?
A Quick Summary of a Quiet Revolution in National Service MARCH 26, 2009 – Within days, the Senate will likely pass and President Obama is poised to sign major bipartisan legislation that will dramatically expand national service opportunities for all and will include, for the…
Author: Civic Ventures
Americans of All Ages Are Ready for Citizen Service: Are Politicians Ready to Lead Them?
This morning Senators John McCain and Barack Obama suspended their intense competition for the Presidency to visit Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, in tribute to those who lost their lives on a brilliantly sunny New York morning seven years ago today. And tonight they will…
Author: Gara LaMarche