Results List
Speak Up for Health Coverage for Kids in the U.S.: Join the National Voice for Children
I’m visiting Atlantic’s programmes in Viet Nam right now, and a few days ago a provincial health official proudly told a group of us that the Government recently made health care free for all of the nine million Vietnamese children under the age of six.…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Citizen Schools: An After-Hours Adventure
Professionals Mentoring Middle-Grades Students Boston Not long ago, an 8th grader from a hardscrabble neighborhood in this city decided on an ambitious career path: She would become a doctor. Many adults encouraged her, but when she spoke with a knowledgeable source, a Harvard University medical…
Author: Education Week
HHS Announces More Than $13 Million for Community Prevention Programs for Older Americans
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 /PRNewswire/ — HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt today announced the release of more than $13 million to 16 states to improve the health and quality of life for older Americans. This announcement, part of a collaboration with The Atlantic Philanthropies announced earlier this…
Author: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
UQ helps Vietnam with health records
UQ helps Vietnam with health records Published: 18 July 2006 UQ’s School of Population Health will receive more than $4 million to work with Vietnamese government and medical bodies and universities to strengthen vital health data collection and plan for future health needs. UQ health…
Author: University of Queensland, Australia
HHS Announces $15 Million Collaboration on Prevention for Older Americans
WASHINGTON, July 5 /PRNewswire/ — HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt today announced a $15 million collaboration with The Atlantic Philanthropies to improve the health and quality of life for older Americans at the community level. “This collaboration, led by the Administration on Aging (AoA) and involving…
Author: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
A Leader by Example
Summary Atlantic grantee, Big Brothers Big Sisters, names Big Brother of the Year. Sylvester Fulton, a 46-year-old Memphis resident, was recently named Big Brother of the Year by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. He has been a Big Brother to Jeremy Moore, 15, for…
Author: Washington Post
Disease sleuths on job in Vietnam
Tasmanian researchers are trying to solve one of world health’s most perplexing problems Excerpt: The Menzies Research Institute is working in Vietnam to try to find out why the developing nation has such a high incidence of typically western-style diseases. Vietnam appears to have an…
Author: Sunday Tasmanian
ASP Receives $4.5 Million Grant to Support Second Phase of T. Franklin Williams Scholars Program
Atlantic Philanthropies (USA) extends funding to offer awards through 2010 Press Release Contact:Irene S. Sonu Telephone: (202) 861-6900 Email: The Association of Specialty Professors (ASP) is pleased to announce that it has received a renewal grant of $4.5 million from the Atlantic Philanthropies (USA),…
Author: Association of Specialty Professors (ASP)