Results List
Chuck Feeney donates €15 million to fight child poverty
In keeping with Atlantic Founding Chairman Charles F. Feeney’s Giving While Living approach to philanthropy, Atlantic will conclude its grantmaking by 2016 with the objective of addressing big urgent problems– with maximum impact – in a limited timeframe. This article looks at an example of…
Author: The Irish Times
Average of Five Students Arrested Per Day at City Schools Last Fall
Students and advocates rally at police headquarters after the release of data on arrests and police incidents at city schools. Photo: Gotham Schools By Rachel Cromidas Police officers arrested more students and handed out more tickets in schools as the school year got underway, according…
Author: Gotham Schools
The Atlantic Philanthropies Support Cornell University’s Applied Sciences NYC Initiative Through Significant Grant
The Atlantic Philanthropies are pleased to announce a grant totaling $350 million to Cornell University to support the Cornell University/Technion-Israel Institute of Technology’s consortium for the Applied Sciences NYC initiative. The consortium’s ground-breaking partnership with the City of New York seeks to build what will…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Social Security Works Speaks Out on Proposed Cuts
Social Security Works, an Atlantic grantee, has been out in the media making a strong case for strengthening social security, not cutting it. Social Security Is Vital for Our Economic Security Fifty-four million Americans depend on Social Security – 1 out of every 6 people.…
Voting Rights Under Attack
By Marian Wright Edelman, President, Children’s Defense Fund At the signing of the historic Voting Rights Act on August 6, 1965 striking down the discriminatory practices many states had put in place to prohibit Blacks from exercising their right to vote, President Lyndon B. Johnson…
Author: The Huffington Post
Ageing study highlights health concerns
A study on ageing in Ireland has found significant indications of undetected illnesses among people over 50 and highlights the large voluntary contribution made to society. A study on ageing in Ireland has found there are significant indications of undetected illnesses among people over 50.…
Author: RTE News
In Equality We Trust?
By Nancy Folbre. Trust in other people greases the wheels of economic development. The management maven Steven Covey argues that high-trust companies are more successful than others. Higher incomes, in turn, seem to carry trust to higher levels. But as a recent Economix post by…
Author: Economix
It’s Time to End Zero Tolerance in Schools: A Call To Action
It is too early to know whether the current wave of school reforms in the United States will lead to lasting improvements in student achievement. But it is not too early to note that many of these reforms have a troubling consequence: a doubling-down on…
Author: Gara LaMarche
The Time Is Right to End ‘Zero Tolerance’ in Schools
By Gara LaMarche It is too early to know whether the current wave of school reforms will lead to lasting improvements in student achievement. But it is not too early to note that many of these reforms have a troubling consequence: a doubling-down on harsh, ineffective…
Author: Education Week
Raising False Alarms
By Bob Herbert If there’s a better government program than Social Security, I’d like to know what it is. It has gone a long way toward eliminating poverty among the elderly. Great numbers of them used to live and die in ghastly, Dickensian conditions of…
Author: The New York Times