Results List
School Systems Working to Soften Zero Tolerance Policies
By Ellen Fishel ANNAPOLIS — A 12-year-old Montgomery County student was being sent to the hallway for being disruptive in class. On her way out the door, she brushed up against her teacher. The student was suspended for 10 days for attacking an employee. A…
Author: Southern Maryland Online
National Consumer Organization Expands its Commitment to Quality Long-Term Care Through New Three-Year Project
WASHINGTON, Sept 29, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care (formerly NCCNHR), also known as the Consumer Voice, announces the launch of a major project, Consumers for Quality Care, No Matter Where, funded through a three-year grant by The…
Author: CNBC
The Time Is Right to End ‘Zero Tolerance’ in Schools
By Gara LaMarche It is too early to know whether the current wave of school reforms will lead to lasting improvements in student achievement. But it is not too early to note that many of these reforms have a troubling consequence: a doubling-down on harsh, ineffective…
Author: Education Week
Communities for Just Schools Fund Newsletter: July 2015
The Communities for Just Schools Fund (CJSF) is a new national donor collaborative that supports constituency-led organizing efforts to create positive and supportive school climates, which affirm and foster the success of all students. Building upon the groundbreaking initiatives of the Just and Fair Schools…
Author: Communities for Just Schools Fund
Hate Campaigns Can’t Block Overdue Steps Toward Fair Treatment of Immigrants
Barack Obama’s campaign gave hope to millions of immigrants and their leading advocates. Atlantic has been proud to support and stand with these groups in the long campaign for comprehensive immigration reform. But that hope has been strained of late, and it is time to…
Author: Gara LaMarche
The World Will Remember Troy's Name
Originally posted on September 21, 2011 by Eric Wingerter, Director of New Media, NAACP. Read Troy’s Last Words Tonight the State of Georgia has killed an innocent man. In recent weeks, we fought hard for the commutation of Troy Davis’ sentence. More than one million…
Author: NAACP
Atlantic Grantees in Texas Work to End a Lethal Lottery
When I arrived in Austin, Texas, the day after Labor Day in 1984 to take up my post as Executive Director of the Texas state branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, a 30-year old Yankee who’d never set foot in the state before my…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Litigating for Social Change Conference
October 19 – 21, 2016 Belfast, Northern Ireland This international conference will bring together NGOs, community activists, litigators, academics and funders to reflect on how strategic litigation can transform lives and enable people and communities to realise their rights. Register Now A joint project of…
Author: Law Centre NI
Obama Administration Releases Resources for Schools, Colleges to Ensure Appropriate Use of School Resource Officers and Campus Police
Contact: Press Office, (202) 401-1576, The U.S. Departments of Education and Justice released today new tools to improve school climates, ensure safety, and support student achievement in our nation’s schools. To the extent a local decision is made to use school resource officers (SROs)…
Author: U.S. Department of Education
Henrico Schools Take Steps to Reduce Racial Disparities in Suspensions
By Graham Moomaw In an effort to reduce racial disparities in student suspension rates, Henrico County Public Schools announced a partnership Monday with the Legal Aid Justice Center, a Virginia-based advocacy group that offers legal representation and other services to low-income people. Under the agreement,…
Author: Richmond Times-Dispatch