Results List
Obama Pledge Stirs Hope in Early Education
by SAM DILLON CHICAGO — It was the morning after the presidential election, and Matthew Melmed, executive director of Zero to Three, a national organization devoted to early childhood education, could barely contain his exultation. Mr. Melmed fired off an e-mail message to his board…
Author: The New York Times
NCLR Annual Conference in San Diego to Feature Prominent Speakers and Current Newsmakers
On July 15, 2008, Gara LaMarche, President of The Atlantic Philanthropies, and The Atlantic Philanthropies received the Raul Yzaguirre President’s Award from the National Council of La Raza. Below is the press release. NCLR ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO TO FEATURE PROMINENT SPEAKERS AND CURRENT…
Author: National Council of La Raza
More Schools Facing Sanctions Under NCLB
Data on adequate yearly progress show that 1 in 5 public schools are in some stage of penalties under the federal law. by David J. Hoff Almost 30,000 schools in the United States failed to make adequate yearly progress under the No Child Left Behind…
Author: Education Week
How Do We Keep Obama's Youth Mobilized?
Original Source Barack Obama’s campaign politicized and organized more youth than any campaign has in recent history. The Prospect asked nine organizers, writers, and thinkers at the forefront of progressivism and youth activism to suggest one way of incorporating these youth into the progressive movement.…
Author: The American Prospect
Consensus on Learning Time Builds
by Catherine Gewertz Under enormous pressure to prepare students for a successful future-and fearful that standard school hours don’t offer enough time to do so-educators, policymakers, and community activists are adding more learning time to children’s lives. This issue is hot right now, said Bela…
Author: Education Week
Philanthropy's Role in Promoting Positive Approaches to School Discipline
By Kavitha Mediratta Last year, at the beginning of ninth grade, my son’s friend Emmanuel was suspended from school for bringing a brick to class. Emmanuel had found the brick in the schoolyard, and with the satirical wit of a 14-year-old, named it “Softie” and…
Author: American Educator
Viet Nam Journal: Over 11 Years, Atlantic Grants Help Spur a Country’s Transformation in Health
Several of the staff of the Hue Central Hospital were kind enough to come to work last Sunday morning to give my Atlantic colleagues and me a tour of what has become a world-class facility in the ten years since our Founding Chairman, Chuck Feeney,…
Author: Gara LaMarche
School Discipline Reform and the Role of Atlantic Philanthropies
By Kiersten Marek Atlantic Philanthropies’ work in the area of school discipline reform is a particularly striking example of how limited-life philanthropy can play a key role in social movements for children and youth. Atlantic Philanthropies has a large and diverse giving portfolio, covering the areas…
Author: The Chronicle of Social Change
Reforming School Discipline Policies to Improve Children's Success
By Kavitha Mediratta Head of Racial Equity Programmes, The Atlantic Philanthropies In recent months, we have seen an outpouring of protest by communities of color against aggressive policing and the trauma and violence these tactics engender. A similar phenomenon is occurring in our schools, where…
Author: Grantmakers In Health
National Hispanic Council on Aging Urges Healthcare Reform and Geriatrics Training as Older Americans Reach 20% of Population
The National Hispanic Council on Aging is an Atlantic grantee. WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — National leaders are meeting in Washington for the National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA) conference Oct. 6-7 to urge Congress to support healthcare reform and address the growing need for…
Author: National Hispanic Council on Aging