Results List
Raising False Alarms
By Bob Herbert If there’s a better government program than Social Security, I’d like to know what it is. It has gone a long way toward eliminating poverty among the elderly. Great numbers of them used to live and die in ghastly, Dickensian conditions of…
Author: The New York Times
For Elderly in Rural Areas, Times Are Distinctly Harder
By Kirk Johnson. Lingle, Wyo. — Norma Clark, 80, slipped on the ice out by the horse corral one afternoon and broke her hip in four places. Alone, it took her three hours to drag herself the 40 yards back to the house through snow…
Author: New York Times
The Global Financial Crisis and Philanthropy: Altering Course in a Perfect Storm
The roots of the global financial crisis, and the paths out of it, are matters for debate. But what no one disputes is that the landscape in which foundations like Atlantic are working has been dramatically altered, and likely will be for some time to…
Author: Gara LaMarche
In Equality We Trust?
By Nancy Folbre. Trust in other people greases the wheels of economic development. The management maven Steven Covey argues that high-trust companies are more successful than others. Higher incomes, in turn, seem to carry trust to higher levels. But as a recent Economix post by…
Author: Economix
Why Movements Matter
Paradigm-shifting elections don’t shift paradigms if there aren’t corresponding social movements for change. By VIVIEN LABATON AND GARA LAMARCHE One thing we now know with certainty, more than two years into Barack Obama’s presidency, is that change is an uphill battle. We’re already defending hard-won gains on…
Author: The American Prospect
Celebrating Financial Reform in the U.S. – An Advance for Social Justice
Vivien Labaton, Director of Strategic Programme Initiatives at The Atlantic Philanthropies, reflects on the recent passage of financial reform in the United States and the activities of Atlantic grantees to help bring it about. The recent passage of the financial reform law—the Dodd-Frank Wall…
Author: Vivien Labaton
As 2009 Nears, Stresses Vie with Opportunities for Atlantic and its Grantees
As 2008 draws to a close, organisations, just like individuals, should take a moment to reflect on the challenges and accomplishments of the year that is ending, and prepare for the one ahead. I’d like to do that, in this final column of an eventful…
Author: Gara LaMarche
New Grassroots Initiative Seeks to End Trend of Texas As Last for Children’s Health Care
AUSTIN – For over a decade now, Texas has been the state with the nation’s highest rate of uninsured children, but today a grassroots start-up is launching with the promise to end the trend by instead “building a legacy of healthy children.” With legislators weighing…
Author: Texas Care for Children
Should Children Pay the Price for Inhumane U.S. Immigration Policies?
Every so often a story serves as a wake-up call that something is very wrong with the way the United States government deals with things. So it was with Saturday’s New York Times article about the actions of federal immigration agents last month in Ohio…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Job Posting: Executive Director, Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC)
Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC) is an Atlantic grantee through the Population Health programme. Position Description Search for the Executive Director Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC) Oakland, CA Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (“MEDICC”), a highly regarded non-profit organization working to enhance cooperation among the US,…
Author: Nonprofit Professionals Advisory Group