Results List
What Is the Most Daring, Audacious, and Successful Grant of the Past 100 Years?
A symposium of philanthropic leaders To mark the 100th anniversary of the Carnegie Corporation, we asked several philanthropic leaders about the most audacious grants of the past century—and what grants made today will be talked about 100 years hence. —THE EDITORS * * * Ted Turner’s shock…
Author: Philanthropy Magazine
Integrating Youth Services
By Sam Scott. Al and Marshae Rivera keep their home stocked with candy—all the better to stop their kids from venturing out to buy some themselves. No one knows better than they do that in East Oakland, Calif., even short trips can turn violent. Their…
Author: Stanford Social Innovation Review
Declaration of the Civil Society Conference held on 27-28 October 2010, Boksburg, South Africa
The Civil Society Conference held on 27-28 October 2010 was a historic turning point in the history of South Africa. Over 300 delegates from 56 mass-based civil society organisations, with a combined membership of millions of South Africans, came together to rebuild a strong, mass…
Author: The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
Reclaiming the Moral Life of Philanthropy
This column is adapted from Gara LaMarche’s address with this title given recently at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1965, Bill Moyers, then a young White House aide, talked with President Lyndon Johnson about a pending bill to provide retroactive Social Security payments. …
Author: Gara LaMarche
We must dismantle lingering divides and create a reconciled vibrant North
OPINION: Unless the North agrees how to share its future, devolution will have failed and potential will rot, writes DUNCAN MORROW EVEN AS the memory dims, the Irish peace process has the capacity to stir pride. A centuries-long Greek tragedy had an unexpected end. British-Irish relations…
Author: The Irish Times
SA Constitution : A non-racial effort
FRANNY RABKIN SA’s political tumult loomed large at Liliesleaf Farm in Johannesburg on Thursday as a group of business, legal and intellectual leaders came together to form a new civil society body to promote the constitution and guard against what the Congress of South African…
Author: BusinessDay
What Progressives Did Right to Win Healthcare
By Richard Kirsch. One year after the Tea Party insurgency disrupted Democratic Congressional town hall meetings, it’s worth asking how healthcare reform survived. By the beginning of 2010, Scott Brown had taken Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat, reform proponents had lost the national narrative and voters…
Author: The Nation
Field Dispatches: Strengthen Social Security launch
The Strengthen Social Security Coalition, a broad-based diverse, multi-generational coalition of over 60 national and state organisations, was launched July 29. The still-growing coalition has organisations representing over 30 million Americans, including workers, women, seniors, persons with disabilities, children, low-income, and the civil and human…
Author: Strengthen Social Security
Coalition of 60 groups representing over 30 million Americans launch campaign to fight social security cuts
Richard Trumka (AFL-CIO), Gerald McEntee (AFSCME), Justin Ruben (, Dennis Van Roekel (NEA), Eliseo Medina (SEIU), Terry O’Neill (NOW), Donna Meltzer (Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities), Hilary Shelton (NAACP), Ed Coyle (Alliance for Retired Americans) Help Launch New Campaign To Protect Social Security. With press…
Author: Strengthen Social Security
Carey launches new initiative to support philanthropic giving in Ireland
Pat Carey T.D., Minister for Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs, today (Monday, 21st June 2010) launched a new Government initiative to support philanthropy in Ireland. The key elements of the 5 point plan – which aim to create an enabling environment for planned giving –…
Author: Dept. of Community, Equality & Gaeltacht Affairs