Results List
The Community Foundation for Ireland Announces Winners of Philanthropist of the Year Awards 2016
Dublin, 21st January 2016: The Community Foundation for Ireland, one of the country’s leading philanthropic organisations, today announced the winners of the eighth annual Philanthropist of the Year awards at a luncheon hosted by Marian Finucane in Dublin. This year’s Philanthropist of the Year Award winners…
Author: The Community Foundation for Ireland
Big Money for Advocacy Is Needed From Foundations
Steve McConnell, former U.S. country director at Atlantic Philanthropies, heads the Civic Participation Action Fund, a new grant-making organization created with a grant from the Atlantic Advocacy Fund. Philanthropy achieved an incredible victory this year when the Supreme Court allowed same-sex marriage. Without essential financing…
Author: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Philanthropy Heroes Honoured at Inyathelo Awards
Twelve extraordinary individuals have been honoured at the prestigious annual Inyathelo Philanthropy Awards, including a couple of friends who set up an organisation to support refugees and asylum seekers, the founder of the ‘Spread the Luv Movement’ and Jack Ginsberg, a passionate supporter of South…
Author: Inyathelo: The South African Institute for Advancement
The ‘Giving While Living’ Superhero
Chuck Feeney is the biggest philanthropist people know nothing about. The reclusive former billionaire not only decided to give away all his wealth in his own lifetime, but also leads a life of disarming simplicity. By N Mahalakshmi Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do…
Author: Outlook Business
Dare to Be 100: Die Broke
By Walter M. Bortz II, M.D., Clinical Professor of Medicine at Stanford University Who was it who said,”You can’t take it with you?” Sounds right to me. I have seen Mao’s tomb in Beijing and the acres of terra cotta warriors nearby. Woody Allen said,…
Author: Huffington Post
Curing Violence Starts at the Community Level
Photo: Flickr via MediaPlanet By Emily Morrow David* was a model eighth-grader. He had exemplary grades, a near perfect attendance record and scored well on all his state exams. Then, he made his first suicide threat. He was hospitalized for a day or so, but…
Author: Mediaplanet
Up Close: Blogging from South Africa
Night and a Day in Queenstown Posted by Gara LaMarche | 18 March 2011, South Africa As Jack has chronicled, we arrived in Queenstown, the final leg of our journey in the Eastern Cape, in the dark, around 7 p.m. This was a problem for two…
Author: Gara LaMarche and Jack Rosenthal
Improving access to justice through Public Interest Law Alliance
By Larry Donnelly. “PUBLIC INTEREST law . . . what’s that, an oxymoron?” So remarked broadcaster and Irish Times columnist Vincent Browne at a Dublin conference held by the Public Interest Law Alliance (Pila) last April. We in Pila, and in our parent organisation the…
Author: Irish Times
Study Examines Civic Engagement Among Teach for America Graduates
Teach for America is an Atlantic grantee. While Teach for America has managed to recruit thousands of recent college graduates to commit to teach in the nation’s most troubled schools for two years, their dedication does not necessarily extend to other areas of society, a…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
Commentary: Minority execs ready to step up and lead
Original Source The Bridgespan Group and Teach for America are Atlantic grantees. By John RiceSpecial to CNN Editor’s note: John Rice is founder and CEO of Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT), a New York-based national nonprofit organization seeking to develop “the next generation of African…
Author: CNN