Results List
Brian O'Connell Visiting African Scholar Fund Will Introduce UWC Students to Black Scholars from Around the World
Brian O’Connell, former Vice Chancellor and Rector of the University of the Western Cape. Photo courtesy of UWC. The Atlantic Philanthropies and The Kresge Foundation announced today a joint investment of $500,000 (R5,726,102.50) to establish The Brian O’Connell Visiting African Scholar Fund, which will bring…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Philanthropy's Role in Promoting Positive Approaches to School Discipline
By Kavitha Mediratta Last year, at the beginning of ninth grade, my son’s friend Emmanuel was suspended from school for bringing a brick to class. Emmanuel had found the brick in the schoolyard, and with the satirical wit of a 14-year-old, named it “Softie” and…
Author: American Educator
Just and Fair Schools Fund Newsletter: April 2013
Watch this quick video to learn about the Just and Fair School Fund’s grant awards, and the youth, parents, congregations, and teachers they support around the country. Feature The Just and Fair Schools Fund is pleased to announce $3.8 million in grants over two years…
Author: Just and Fair Schools Fund
Making and Living History
“Our grants, now completed, are like sown seeds which will bear the fruit of good works long after we turn out the lights at The Atlantic Philanthropies.” – Chuck Feeney Atlantic has been making and living our history lately. In December 2016, we made our…
Author: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Strengthening Democracy, Increasing Opportunities
In the face of the nation’s worst financial crisis since 1932, foundations are bracing to cope with assets that plunged as a result of Wall Street’s decline. New numbers from New Mexico suggest that foundations should turn to the underutilised strategy of supporting advocacy, organising…
Author: National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Crisis of age requires cure
By Lauren Foster When Mark Lachs, an internist who specialises in the care of the elderly, looks into the not-so-distant future, he sees millions of retirees and not enough doctors. The baby boomers are moving through the belly of the beast and are coming out…
Author: FT Times
Atlantic Quietly Closes Its Doors in Ireland After 30 Years of Philanthropy
Chuck Feeney’s ‘historic act of extraordinary generosity’ financed transformational change By Simon Carswell It ended as it began – quietly, low key, with no fanfare. The Dublin office of Atlantic Philanthropies closed this week as billionaire Chuck Feeney, who gave away his €7 billion fortune through it,…
Author: The Irish Times
The Fierce Urgency of Atlantic: Bending the Arc in Our Final Years
Thirteen years ago, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ founding chairman Chuck Feeney and our Board of Directors made the decision to complete our grantmaking by the end of 2016. That seemed a long time away. The distant target has now become next year. After extended deliberations during this…
Author: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Advocacy by 13 N.C. Nonprofits Brings Statewide Benefits
Washington, D.C. (5/07/2009) – For every dollar that foundations and other funding sources gave to support advocacy, organizing and civic engagement efforts by 13 nonprofit organizations in North Carolina, state residents received $89 in benefits. This is one of the findings in a new report…
Author: National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP)
Charitable Relations
Philanthropy adapts to the Obama era. Original Source by Lauren Foster Last November, two weeks after Barack Obama was elected president, Gara LaMarche took to the podium at the annual meeting of Southern California Grantmakers. The president and chief executive of The Atlantic Philanthropies was…
Author: The American Prospect