Results List
Risk with Vision: Placing Informed 'Big Bets'
By Gillian Mitchell, Gabrielle Ritchie and Melanie Judge Philanthropy and risk are not natural bedfellows. For most of us philanthropy invokes an impression of measured resolution, gravity and thoughtfulness. Philanthropy makes considered interventions into areas of society that are not delivering on rights or opportunity…
Author: Resourcing Philanthropy
From Social Movement to Social Change: Philanthropy and School Discipline Reform
By David Callahan What role does philanthropy play in social movements? It’s an interesting question, and there’s a long history of funder involvement in different movements—from civil rights in the 1960s to LGBT rights in the past decade. Just last week, I wrote about the role of…
Author: Inside Philanthropy
Scanning the Skyline: Lessons From 30 Years of Capital Grantmaking
Buildings have a special allure for philanthropy—their mass, their unambiguous reality, their durability, their promise of sheltering great transformative enterprise—that few other achievements can match. They also conjure a cloud of distinctive risks: the possibility of inadequate maintenance, financial drain, premature obsolescence, the danger that…
Author: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
Globetrotting and Goal Setting: Where Will Atlantic Wind Up?
I have been on the road for most of the last four months, more so than in the prior three years I have been leading The Atlantic Philanthropies. In order to take in what Atlantic has done in its three decades-plus of grantmaking, I traveled…
Author: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Honouring a Shy Philanthropy Hero
By Shelagh Gastrow Charles “Chuck” Feeney is likely the most famous and influential billionaire you’ve never heard of. His foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies, has given billions of Rands to our emerging South African democracy. Inyathelo was privileged to award him the 2014 Inyathelo “Lifetime Philanthropy Award…
Author: Inyathelo: The South African Institute for Advancement
The Moral Case for Change
By Gara LaMarche. Note: This article is adapted from a speech by Gara LaMarche called “The Moral Life of Philanthropy,” given at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in September 2010. You can read the full speech here In 1965, Bill Moyers, then a young White…
Author: Yes! Magazine
Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions
Taking a big risk in grantmaking has paid off hugely for Ireland and Atlantic by creating a competitive strategic research environment. By 1996, Atlantic had made major contributions to the country’s university educational infrastructure. Yet, Chuck Feeney, our Founding Chairman, envisioned a quantum leap to…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Reclaiming the Moral Life of Philanthropy
This column is adapted from Gara LaMarche’s address with this title given recently at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1965, Bill Moyers, then a young White House aide, talked with President Lyndon Johnson about a pending bill to provide retroactive Social Security payments. …
Author: Gara LaMarche
The South African Institute for Advancement – Making a Stepping Stone into a Milestone
Issued by: Quo Vadis Communications Attention: News Editors For immediate release: MEDIA STATEMENT BY INYATHELO – THE SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCEMENT – MAKING A STEPPING STONE INTO A MILESTONE A conference that will be held in Cape Town next month will bring together foreign…
Author: Inyathelo
Social Justice: A Guiding Vision for Atlantic’s Final Chapter
All healthy institutions must from time to time take a look at what they are doing to see what’s working and what isn’t, to re-examine assumptions in light of changes in the environment – political, social, economic and philanthropic – and make any necessary adjustments.…
Author: Gara LaMarche