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Film: Fighting Against AIDS Denialism – And For Equal Access To Treatment – In South Africa

Resource type: News

Taking HAART provides a fly on the wall view of how outrage ignited a movement that united people across race and class, one that developed a well educated cadre deeply versed in the issues it confronted, built coalitions, used the courts, peaceful protest and civil disobedience to achieve its objectives.

Between 1999 and 2010, over two million people in South Africa died of AIDS. This was despite the existence of Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment, known as HAART. During these years, government sponsored AIDS denialism combined with the high price of these life-saving drugs ensured that poor people could not get the treatment they needed.

TAC – Taking HAART is a documentary that chronicles Treatment Action Campaign‘s (TAC) fight to ensure that every person living with HIV has access to quality comprehensive prevention and treatment services to live a healthy life.

Through live footage gathered by journalists at Community Media Trust, this documentary shows how TAC ignited a movement that united people across ethnicity and class, built coalitions, and used the courts, peaceful protest and civil disobedience to gain universal access to anti-retroviral treatment for all South Africans.

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Global Impact:

South Africa


AIDS, HIV, TAC, Treatment Action Campaign