Results List
International Inequalities Institute Executive Director
Grantee: The London School of Economics and Political Science
Grant amount: $6,000,000
Atlantic Institute Incubation Phase Supplemental Funding
Grantee: The Rhodes Trust
Grant amount: $886,771
University of Limerick’s Academic Medical Centre and Institute for Technology Enhanced Intelligence
Grantee: University of Limerick Foundation
Grant amount: $3,488,433
Incubation Period External Evaluation of the Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity program at George Washington University
Grantee: JSI Research & Training Institute
Grant amount: $400,000
Atlantic Fellows Program Leadership Convening
Grantee: The Rhodes Trust
Grant amount: $315,000
Incubation Period External Evaluation of the GOAL Phase Narrative Initiative
Grantee: Spark Policy Institute
Grant amount: $215,000
UCSF Neuroscience Facility
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $10,000,000
Incubation Evaluation of the Atlantic Institute at Rhodes Trust
Grantee: Institute for Voluntary Action Research
Grant amount: $825,000
Incubation Evaluation of the Atlantic Fellows at the International Inequalities Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science
Grantee: Social Science Research Council
Grant amount: $930,000
Atlantic Fellows at the International Inequalities Institute
Grantee: The London School of Economics and Political Science
Grant amount: $90,931,283
The Atlantic Institute
Grantee: The Rhodes Trust
Grant amount: $105,257,665
Atlantic Fellows Inequality Partner and Advisor
Grantee: Institute for Policy Studies
Grant amount: $1,200,000
Health Workforce Equity
Grantee: George Washington Health Workforce Institute
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $500,000
Planning Grant: Atlantic Fellows Program for Racial Equity at Columbia University
Grantee: Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society
Theme: Human Rights & Reconciliation
Grant amount: $87,000
Atlantic Fellowship Learning and Evaluation Community Support and Convening
Grantee: Social Science Research Council
Grant amount: $640,035
Interim Support for Atlantic Fellows Program at LSE
Grantee: The London School of Economics and Political Science
Grant amount: $136,547
Global Brain Health Institute: A Culminating Investment in Human Capital Development
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $17,400,000
Human Capital Development: Incubation Milestone Evaluation for the Global Brain Health Institute
Grantee: Center for Assessment and Policy Development
Grant amount: $2,000,000
First Annual Global Brain Health Institute Conference
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $200,000
Global Brain Health Institute: A Culminating Investment in Human Capital Development
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $40,000,000
Global Brain Health Institute: A Culminating Investment in Human Capital Development
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $119,000,000
Exploratory Phase of Virtual Institute on Brain Health
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $41,724
Leadership Development Institute
Grantee: Southern Education Foundation, Inc.
Grant amount: $6,000,000
Support Key Organizational Activities
Grantee: The South African Institute for Advancement
Grant amount: $100,000
Influencing Government Policy and Practice
Grantee: Institute of Public Administration
Grant amount: $228,506
Health Workforce Equity: Human Capital Development Initiative
Grantee: George Washington Health Workforce Institute
Grant amount: $5,500,000
Inequality, Democracy and Social Change Leaders Programme
Grantee: London School of Economics and Political Science
Grant amount: $45,030
Transfer of Bayside Village
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Theme: UCSF Mission Bay
Grant amount: $52,000,000
Integration of the Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland into the Institute of Public Health in Ireland
Grantee: Institute of Public Health in Ireland
Grant amount: $931,251
Exploration of a Possible Virtual Institute on Brain Health
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $112,000
Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing Mosaic Mural
Grantee: St James's Hospital
Grant amount: $476,525
Thurgood Marshall Policy Institute
Grantee: NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Grant amount: $5,000,000
Institute for Children and Young People
Grantee: Queen's University of Belfast Foundation
Grant amount: $5,903,783
Institute for Equity and Fiscal Sustainability
Grantee: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Grant amount: $15,000,000
Institute for Health Policy Studies – Campaign for Better Care Evaluation
Grantee: The Regents of the University of California
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $400,000
Palliative Care Cluster: Project GlobalCARE
Grantee: Cicely Saunders Institute
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $1,025,987
Palliative Care Cluster: Fellowships Consortium
Grantee: Cicely Saunders Institute
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $2,623,839
Palliative Care Cluster: International Access Rights and Empowerment Study (IARE II)
Grantee: Cicely Saunders Institute
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $1,044,113
Research on Boys and Young Men of Color
Grantee: Urban Institute
Grant amount: $300,000
Participation of Cuban Athletes in Special Olympics for Intellectually Disabled Young People.
Grantee: National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (INDER)
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $71,848
Reducing Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions in Maryland
Grantee: Open Society Institute - Baltimore
Theme: School Discipline Reform
Grant amount: $500,000
Discipline Disproportionality Project
Grantee: The W. Haywood Burns Institute
Theme: School Discipline Reform
Grant amount: $250,000
Influencing Government Policy
Grantee: Institute of Public Administration
Grant amount: $59,444
Inyathelo Institute for Advancement Civil Society Hub
Grantee: The South African Institute for Advancement
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $1,674,586
Latino Voting and Immigration Institute
Grantee: Regents of the University of California at Berkeley
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $100,000
Lifecourse Institute
Grantee: Galway University Foundation
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $1,929,150
Community Advice Office Sustainability Initiative
Grantee: The South African Institute for Advancement
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $101,036
Strengthening Institutional Capacity to Address Health Inequities in Viet Nam
Grantee: Health Strategy and Policy Institute, the Ministry of Health
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $1,200,000
Core Support
Grantee: Economic Policy Institute
Grant amount: $750,000
Discipline Disparities Learning Network
Grantee: Brown University - Annenberg Institute for School Reform
Theme: School Discipline Reform
Grant amount: $1,000,000