Results List
Atlantic Institute Incubation Phase Supplemental Funding
Grantee: The Rhodes Trust
Grant amount: $886,771
Atlantic Fellowship
Grantee: American University School of Communication Center for Media & Social Impact
Grant amount: $162,129
UCSF Neuroscience Facility
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $10,000,000
Development of Infrastructure and Capacity in Virus Diagnostics in Cuba
Grantee: University College Dublin Foundation Limited
Grant amount: $252,000
Demonstrate the Positive Impact of Health and Medical Cooperation between the United States and Cuba
Grantee: Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba
Theme: U.S.-Cuba Relations
Grant amount: $50,000
Atlantic Fellowship
Grantee: Sorenson Impact Center, David Eccles School of Business, University of Utah
Grant amount: $188,573
Narrative Change Collaborative Network Hub
Grantee: Media Impact Funders
Grant amount: $500,000
Supplemental Funding for Documentary Film on U.S. Programs
Grantee: Brooklyn Film Networks
Grant amount: $100,000
Supplementary Capital Support
Grantee: Free Legal Advice Centres
Grant amount: $543,600
Migration Narrative Project
Grantee: The Social Change Initiative
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $3,001,485
The Narrative Initiative
Grantee: New Venture Fund
Grant amount: $25,000,000
The Atlantic Philanthropies Country Guides
Grantee: Magnes Communications
Grant amount: $350,000
Atlantic Insights: Strategic Litigation
Grantee: Susan Hansen Consulting
Grant amount: $61,000
Active Curation Partner: Digital Repository of Ireland
Grantee: Royal Irish Academy
Grant amount: $390,024
Active Curation Partner: Philanthropy Beat and Content Ecosystem
Grantee: Fast Company
Grant amount: $1,600,000
The Atlantic Institute
Grantee: The Rhodes Trust
Grant amount: $105,257,665
Extended Assessment and Dissemination of the Impact of Atlantic’s Capital Building Grantmaking
Grantee: MASS Design Group
Grant amount: $128,540
Building Economic Security and Voice for Immigrant Farmworkers
Grantee: Equitable Food Initiative
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $2,000,000
Building an Advocacy Infrastructure and Inspiring a Legacy of Support
Grantee: American Civil Liberties Union
Grant amount: $10,000,000
A Day In May Book and Play Project
Grantee: A Day In May Trust
Grant amount: $57,195
Documentary Films on U.S. Programs
Grantee: Brooklyn Film Networks
Grant amount: $300,000
Media Diversity Fellowship and Loaned Executive Programme
Grantee: Brave New Films
Grant amount: $2,500,000
National Policy Analysis and Strategic Communications Support to Advance Elev8 and Other Community Schools and School-Based Health Centres
Grantee: Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $175,000
Transfer of Bayside Village
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Theme: UCSF Mission Bay
Grant amount: $52,000,000
Developing Non-Profit Office Space and a Community Centre
Grantee: Khayelitsha Youth and Community Centre Trust
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $5,849,848
Assessing Impact and Implications of Atlantic s Capital Building Grantmaking
Grantee: MASS Design Group
Grant amount: $487,275
Building Prevention and Early Intervention Capacity
Grantee: Barnardos NI
Grant amount: $1,432,693
Building Capacity to Access European Funding
Grantee: Early Years
Grant amount: $408,450
Assessing Impact and Disseminating Implications of the Oakland Linked Learning GOAL Grant
Grantee: SRI International
Grant amount: $1,100,000
Capital Funding for Building Purchase
Grantee: Center for Community Change Action
Grant amount: $9,000,000
Development of Infrastructure and Capacity in Virus Diagnostics in Cuba.
Grantee: University College Dublin Foundation Limited
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $1,439,365
Increasing Impact and Sustainability of NGOs in Northern Ireland to Secure Change
Grantee: Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $5,609,547
Building Sustainability
Grantee: Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
Grant amount: $508,159
Supplemental Funding to Develop a Book and Compendium of Atlantic s Global Investments in Capital Projects
Grantee: Magnum Cultural Foundation
Grant amount: $276,272
Big Data Project
Grantee: Below the Radar
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $627,642
Cross-Initiative Evaluation and Dissemination of Lessons Concerning Advocacy in the United States
Grantee: Center for Evaluation Innovation, fiscal sponsor Innovation Network
Grant amount: $1,350,000
Promoting Local Philanthropy for Social Justice Issues
Grantee: Social Justice Initiative
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $3,045,285
Creating an Independent 501(c)(4) Advocacy Action Fund
Grantee: Civic Participation Action Fund
Grant amount: $50,000,000
Coalition for Community Schools’ 2016 National Convention
Grantee: Youth Development Incorporated
Grant amount: $75,000
Framing the Discussion on US-Cuba Policy
Grantee: Washington Office on Latin America
Theme: U.S.-Cuba Relations
Grant amount: $30,000
Palliative Care Cluster: Fellowships Consortium
Grantee: Cicely Saunders Institute
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $2,623,839
Health Care Policy Project
Grantee: Cuba Research Group
Theme: U.S.-Cuba Relations
Grant amount: $15,000
Evidence-Based Health Equity
Grantee: Resources for Health Equity
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $574,000
Irish Refugee & Migrants Rights Centre – Sustaining Access to Justice and Services for Migrants and Their Families
Grantee: Irish Refugee Council
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $3,008,915
Creating a Children’s Rights Hub
Grantee: EPIC Empowering People in Care
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $277,000
Evaluation of Primary Health Care and Human Resources in Health Programme
Grantee: The SEED Trust
Grant amount: $282,676
Ensuring the Delivery of Social Change
Grantee: Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action
Grant amount: $3,816,813
The Justice Mapping Center
Grantee: Rutgers University Foundation
Theme: Race & Criminal Justice Reform
Grant amount: $200,000
Catalytic Capital to Support Quality Health Care and Good Health Care Jobs in Low-Income Communities
Grantee: Vital Healthcare Capital
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $12,500,000
The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing
Grantee: Trinity Foundation
Theme: Aging Research
Grant amount: $6,188,150