Results List
What We’ve Learned: Lessons from a Communications Campaign for South Africa’s Rural Poor
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
This publication focuses on using communications to advance human rights for South Africa’s rural poor. We believe it will be useful for advocates, nonprofit organisations and funders in many countries interested in effectively elevating important human rights issues on the policy agendas of democratic societies.…
Resource type: Research Report
The Shadow President
Source: The New Republic
How John Podesta invented the Obama administration. by Michael Crowley The bright young think tank staffers at the progressive Center for American Progress (CAP) admire their boss, John Podesta. Podesta, who is also co-managing Barack Obama's presidential transition team, possesses energy (he is a workaholic and marathon…
Resource type: News
Medical-legal partnerships: transforming health care
Source: The Lancet
by Barry Zuckerman; Megan Sandel; Ellen Lawton; Samantha Morton Doctors, especially those who care for patients on low incomes, are frustrated that their patients' health is adversely affected by social determinants. For those patients with an acute or chronic illness, social determinants undercut the effectiveness…
Resource type: News
Students' well-being tracked to improve lives
Source: The San Francisco Chronicle (California)
by Nanette AsimovFewer kids in Napa County visit the dentist regularly than kids in other California counties. More San Francisco children teeter on the brink of depression than other children do. And for some reason, fewer parents in Alameda, Contra Costa and Santa Clara counties…
Resource type: News
An immigrant's ID in the high court
Source: Los Angeles Times
The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided one million USD to fund three projects aimed at helping the disabled in Da Nang to access health services and acquire essential work skills in order to successfully seek jobs. The US ambassador to Vietnam…
Resource type: News
Age Action hits out at medical-card plan
Source: Irish News
by Sarah Stack TAOISEACH Brian Cowen's plan to press ahead with a scheme to means-test people over 70 for a medical card was condemned last night. Age Action said it was disturbed that, despite widespread public outrage, Mr Cowen still wanted to scrap free health…
Resource type: News
Scheme marks the beginning of a two-tier health system
Source: Irish Examiner
by Eamon Timmins THE publication yesterday of the Nursing Homes Support Scheme Bill 2008 marks a dramatic development in the way this country charges for essential health and nursing care services. Once it becomes law, those with dementia, paralysed by stroke or incapable due to…
Resource type: News
No games, no lies, vows health head Hogan
Source: Pretoria News (South Africa)
by Graeme Hosken Newly-appointed Health Minister Barbara Hogan will change the way South Africa combats HIV/Aids and TB. Speaking in Pretoria yesterday, Hogan said health care was a human right. "Health care is about being responsive and supportive, and providing a good service," she said.…
Resource type: News
Senator Specter Announces Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Will Receive $8.6 million for Truancy Prevention
Source: Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Funding from DoJ will reduce truancy, improve academics among underserved youth Washington D.C. Today U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) announced that the U.S. Department of Justice has awarded Big Brothers Big Sisters of America a significant grant to enhance its mentoring programs. The $8,615,548 grant,…
Resource type: News
Parents Give Up Youths Under Law Meant for Babies
Source: The New York Times
by ERIK ECKHOLM OMAHA - The abandonments began on Sept. 1, when a mother left her 14-year-old son in a police station here. By Sept. 23, two more boys and one girl, ages 11 to 14, had been abandoned in hospitals in Omaha and Lincoln.…
Resource type: News