Results List
The Role of Foundations in Immigrant Rights
The rights of immigrants must be protected and foundations can use their unique strengths to play a leading role such as funding public education and civic engagement, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies' President and CEO, in this speech at the European Foundation Centre Meeting…
Resource type: Speech
Communities Fighting for Rights in Northern Ireland: You’re Not “On Your Own”
Source: Gara LaMarche
When Gerard McCarten, a butcher from North Belfast, steeled up his courage to testify before the local health authority about the suicide of his son Danny two years ago, the officials he was dealing with got up and opened the windows in the room onto…
Resource type: News
Not Just a Numbers Game: Budget Cuts Threaten Those Already Struggling
Source: Gara LaMarche
“Oh, I really feel we’ve been led up the garden path…We are the people that worked. We put this country on its feet, and we’re the people that are being hit every which way.” - Diane, age 81, in Dublin, Ireland Across many of the geographies…
Resource type: News
The Transformer: Chuck Feeney '56 Champions the Pleasure of Giving While Living
Source: Ezra: Cornell's Quarterly Magazine
Rendering of a portion of the future Cornell Tech campus on Roosevelt Island, showing the campus lawn, the first academic building (left) and the co-location buidling. Rendering: Luke Yoo/Morphosis By Emily Sanders Hopkins He is Cornell University's biggest donor. Chuck Feeney '56. Image: Fennell Photography…
Resource type: News
How We Adopted the Fourth of July
Source: The New York Times
Perhaps because America is a nation of immigrants, immigration has always been a fraught political issue. How immigrants define themselves and how the laws determine who is welcome and who is not have played out in various ways throughout American history. Yet immigrants are among…
Resource type: News
The Key Role of Advocacy Funding in the U.S. Health Reform Debate
The reasons why The Atlantic Philanthropies made what may be the largest U.S. advocacy grant ever in order to support health reform are outlined by Gara LaMarche, Atlantic’s President and CEO, at the Grantmakers in Health conference in Orlando, Florida. Occasionally it is better not…
Resource type: Speech
Thousands of doctors face the chop
Source: Pretoria News (South Africa)
by Mogomotsi Magome and Siyabonga Mkhwanazi The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) has warned the public to be wary of medical practitioners who practice without being registered with the body. The HPCSA will this month erase about 12 000 practitioners from its database…
Resource type: News
Feeney ’56 honored for ‘transformative’ contributions to Cornell
Source: Cornell Chronicle
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1140"] Charles F. “Chuck” Feeney ’56, left, with his wife, Helga, in the back right; and President Martha E. Pollack, right, during a virtual presentation of the inaugural Charles F. Feeney ’56 Lifetime Achievement Award for Entrepreneurship and Humanity on April 30.…
Resource type: News
Empower people to help themselves
Source: Philanthropy SA
By Jay Naidoo. I WOULD like to recommend that we think of philanthropy not simply as a means of "giving back", but as a means of 'giving forward'. Taken this way, philanthropy can be seen as a means to promote the stability of African society…
Resource type: News
How Do We Keep Obama's Youth Mobilized?
Source: The American Prospect
Original Source Barack Obama's campaign politicized and organized more youth than any campaign has in recent history. The Prospect asked nine organizers, writers, and thinkers at the forefront of progressivism and youth activism to suggest one way of incorporating these youth into the progressive movement.…
Resource type: News