Results List
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Childhood Development Initiative’s Doodle Den Literacy Programme
Source: Centre for Effective Education at Queen’s University Belfast
An after-school literacy programme that employs engaging activities and involves parents is an effective approach to bolster the reading and writing skills of disadvantaged children. The Doodle Den programme also made a positive impact on improving concentration and reducing problem behaviours in school, according to…
Resource type: Research Report
Investing in Change: Why Supporting Advocacy Makes Sense for Foundations
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
This publication explores the experiences of a growing number of funders around the world that are committed to supporting advocacy as a strategy to advance social change. We are starting with this topic because funding advocacy too often is the philanthropic road not taken, yet…
Resource type: Research Report
Migration and Integration
Source: Centre on Migration, Policy and Society
The influx of migration into Ireland has left the government grappling with many issues and gives nongovernmental organisations an opening to play a large role in influencing policy and the nature and style of interventions, according to this study, which was funded by The Atlantic…
Resource type: Research Report
Developing and Implementing Dementia Policy in Ireland
Source: Centre for Economic and Social Research on Dementia, NUI Galway
This report is a follow up to Creating Excellence in Dementia Care (2012), which informed Ireland’s National Dementia Strategy. It reflects on progress since 2012 on various aspects of care for people with dementia in Ireland and internationally with a view to informing future developments in…
Resource type: Research Report
European Anti-Discrimination Law Review
Source: Migration Policy Group
The European Anti-Discrimination Law Review, prepared by the European Network of Legal Experts in the non-discrimination field, provides an overview of the latest developments in European anti-discrimination law and policy. The Review is published biannually and edited by Human European Consultancy and the Migration Policy…
Resource type: Research Report
Out-of-School Time Policy Commentary: “Speaking in One Voice”
Source: The Forum for Youth Investment
Out-of-School Time programmes in the United States can benefit from adopting easy and cost-effective common youth-, programme- and system-level measures, which are described in this issue brief by the Forum for Youth Investment. The Forum is a grantee of The Atlantic Philanthropies This commentary from…
Resource type: Research Report
Prevention and Early Intervention Programme in Ireland and Northern Ireland
Source: Mathematica Policy Research
Children and youth organisations on the island of Ireland are building a strong body of prevention and early intervention practices, according to an evaluation of Atlantic’s investments by Mathematica Policy Research. Meanwhile, research organisations are acquiring new expertise in evaluating children’s prevention and early intervention…
Resource type: Evaluation
Future Dementia Care in Ireland: Sharing the Evidence to Mobilise Action
Source: The School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College, Dublin and The Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, NUIG
This practical guide aims to answer questions and increase public awareness about dementia care in Ireland. Issues addressed include: What is dementia? How many people in Ireland have dementia? What are the costs of dementia? What is Ireland doing in its campaign on dementia? What…
Resource type: Research Report
Creating Excellence in Dementia Care: A Research Review for Ireland’s National Dementia Strategy
Source: The School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College, Dublin and The Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, NUIG
More people in Ireland have dementia than cancer or heart disease yet it has been a largely invisible and underfunded health issue, according to a new report by Suzanne Cahill and Maria Pierce from the School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College, Dublin;…
Resource type: Research Report
How the Center on Budget Will Shape the Future
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Atlantic is supporting the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) to establish a new Institute for proactive policy development and implementation work on longer-term priorities regarding budget, revenue, safety-net, and social insurance policies that benefit low- and moderate-income families and individuals and are fiscally…
Resource type: Video