Results List
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Childhood Development Initiative’s Doodle Den Literacy Programme
Source: Centre for Effective Education at Queen’s University Belfast
An after-school literacy programme that employs engaging activities and involves parents is an effective approach to bolster the reading and writing skills of disadvantaged children. The Doodle Den programme also made a positive impact on improving concentration and reducing problem behaviours in school, according to…
Resource type: Research Report
Using Long-Range Planning to Fix a Long-Term Problem
The Dublin suburb of Tallaght West is on the Irish Government’s short list of socially and economically disadvantaged areas. Not surprisingly, services for children in this neighbourhood are limited and fragmented. Local preschools can accommodate only 300 of the 1,500 applicants. Policy and practice in…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Somewhere Safe to Play
Source: Barnardos Ireland
When a group of young people in Tallaght needed somewhere safe to play, they decided to run a campaign asking South Dublin County Council to build them a playground. With the help of the Amplifying Voices initiative, the group got everyone in the community involved…
Resource type: Video
Engaging Early to Change Children’s Lives
Preparing For Life helps families raise happy and healthy children who are ready for school, like five year old Lucy. Photo: Audra Melton “The neighbourhood around here, it’s very hard to raise your children in. This place is overrun with drugs and gangs,” explained a…
Resource type: Grantee Story
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