Results List
Shaping History Through Support for Health and Human Rights
Nokhwezi Hoboyi. Photo: Samantha Reinders, TAC After losing two children to AIDS, Nokhwezi Hoboyi stopped her treatment and landed in a South African hospice with tuberculosis. “A nurse told me there was life after testing positive for HIV,” Ms. Hoboyi said. Most importantly, she met…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Membership-Based Organizations in Constitutional Democracies: Lessons from the Treatment Action Campaign
Source: Barbara Klugman, in conversation with Treatment Action Campaign national and Eastern Cape office-bearers and staff
Anyone interested in learning about the power of grass roots activism will find valuable lessons in this report about the experiences of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), the South African activist group that forced the government to make antiretroviral treatment available for all HIV-positive citizens and…
Resource type: Research Report
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