Results List
Waiting for Fahd: One Family’s Hope for Life Beyond Guantánamo
Source: Center for Constitutional Rights
This heartrending documentary tells the story of Fahd Ghazy, a Yemeni national unlawfully detained at Guantánamo since he was 17. Fahd is now 30. Through moving interviews with his beloved family, “Waiting for Fahd” paints a vivid portrait of the life that awaits a man who,…
Resource type: Video
Evaluation of a Programme to Help Parents of Teenagers
Source: Institute for Child Care Research, Queen’s University Belfast
Parenting teens can be tricky and confusing. One of the few rigorously-evaluated programmes to help parents tackle those challenges has demonstrated convincing evidence of its effectiveness, researchers reported. The programme — Odyssey, Parenting Your Teen — is a potential model for more countries than Northern Ireland, where…
Resource type: Research Report
Key Issues in Understanding the Economic and Health Security of Current and Future Generations of Seniors
Source: Kaiser Family Foundation
As policymakers seek to reduce the nation’s budget deficit by making changes to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security these discussions fail to consider how choices in each area interact and affect the economic security of seniors, according to an issue brief by the Kaiser Family…
Resource type: Research Report
Parenting Support for Every Parent
Source: UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway
A parenting programme can have a significant impact on the risk and protective factors that shape family life, and create population-wide benefit, according to this evaluation of the Triple P Positive Parenting Programme in the Midland counties of Longford and Westmeath. The parenting programme was…
Resource type: Research Report
Evaluation of Programme to Protect Children from Domestic Violence
Source: University of Lincoln
Children who experience domestic abuse can be forgotten victims. Mayo Children’s Initiative (MCI Ireland), a programme in rural Ireland, made “spectacular progress” in reaching these children and is a model for other countries to follow, according to the lead researcher of an evaluation carried out…
Resource type: Research Report
Summary of Lessons for the Field from Atlantic Philanthropies’ “Out-of-School Time” Initiative
Source: Harvard Family Research Project
A five-year investment to keep disadvantaged youth engaged in learning during out-of-school time (OST) hours by the Atlantic Philanthropies has yielded important lessons for funders and built the OST field through its focus on organisational capacity, evaluation, advocacy and professional development, according to this 2010…
Resource type: Research Report
Impact of Child Care Subsidies on Low-Income Single Parents
Source: Child Trends
In the United States, low-income single parents who receive child care subsidies spend only a little less of their own money on child care than they did before receiving the subsidy, according to this study conducted by Child Trends. Child Trends, a grantee of The Atlantic Philanthropies.…
Resource type: Research Report
Economics of Palliative Care: Evidence and Impact from Four Recent Studies
Source: Bridget Johnston, Charles Normand and Peter May
This report presents findings from four recent economic studies of palliative care. Three of the studies were funded by Atlantic; the fourth was funded by the National Cancer Institute and National Institute for Nursing Research in the United States, with the economic analyses conducted through…
Resource type: Research Report
Support, Friendship, Love and Care: A Recipe for Looking After Children and Young People in Northern Ireland
Source: VOYPIC Policy and Research
Children and young people in foster, residential and other types of care in Northern Ireland expressed their feelings about the best and the worst of their experiences in a first-of-its-kind survey conducted by VOYPIC. In 2011, the organisation launched a computer-based survey to collect the…
Resource type: Research Report
Brief: Elev8 Chicago: Demonstrating the Power and Potential of Community Schools
Source: Elev8 Chicago
Communities across the country are grappling with the challenge of preparing young people for a bright future. Elev8 Chicago – an Atlantic-supported initiative to strengthen community schools by providing, school-based health services and after-school programmes and enhancing family engagement – has made a positive difference…
Resource type: Research Report