Results List
Law as a Vehicle for Social Change
Source: Martin O'Brien
Martin O’Brien, Senior Vice President for Programmes at The Atlantic Philanthropies, delivered FLAC’s Seventh Annual Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture in Dublin. Ellis was a community activist who dedicated his career to working with community groups on issues including welfare rights, legal aid, legal education and…
Resource type: Speech
Encouraging Respect for Differences While Recognising Shared Identities
The Forum on Migration and Communications (FOMACS), based in the Dublin Institute of Technology, is an innovative three-year media initiative (2007-2010) to produce broadcast, photographic and print stories on immigration and integration. The seven project partners aim to influence public opinion and shape immigration policy…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Some Reflections on Philanthropy and Government
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies, gives the Keynote Address at the Annual Meeting of the United Neighborhood Houses in New York City. I appreciate the invitation to share some thoughts with the board and staff members of the settlement houses and other…
Resource type: Speech
Growling and Kicking for Social Change
Source: Gara LaMarche
It is time for Americans to bring together two powerful forces that are often disconnected – the desire to serve and the necessity to take social action to change systems that often give rise to the need for these services, said Gara LaMarche, President and…
Resource type: Speech
Philanthropy’s Role in Ageing Issues
Source: Gara LaMarche
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ approach to funding in ageing, including its emphasis on advocacy, is outlined in this speech by Gara LaMarche, Atlantic’s President and CEO, at the Annual Meeting of Grantmakers in Aging in San Diego, California in November 2007. When I was asked a…
Resource type: Speech
What is EPIM?
Source: European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM)
To learn more about the current projects funded by EPIM, visit the EPIM website or download the 2012-2015 project descriptions booklet. European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM) is an Atlantic grantee through the Network of European Foundations for Innovative Cooperation.
Resource type: Video
Social Justice and the Life Course
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, addressed the National University of Ireland-Galway’s Life Course Institute Seminar. He commented that Life Course projects are important because they are not just about “treating” disadvantage in old age or in youth, but are about breaking…
Resource type: Speech
FOMACS Retrospective – The Story So Far
Source: Forum on Migration and Communications (FOMACS)
This online case study, commissioned by Atlantic, presents snapshots of projects demonstrating how The Forum on Migration and Communications (FOMACS) strengthens the voices of migrants and NGOs who work in the migrant sector by using collaboration, creative arts, digital media and storytelling as catalysts for social…
Resource type: Case Study
“A Spend-out Approach to Philanthropy”
Source: Colin McCrea
Colin McCrea addresses the challenges and rewards of Atlantic’s approach to philanthropy at the Institute of Philanthropy’s recent conference in London. All of us involved in philanthropy would like to see more people giving more money in a more thoughtful way. There is no…
Resource type: Speech
Building Capacity for Maximum Impact
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche delivers the Keynote Address at the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York Symposium: Baruch College School of Public Affairs. It’s a little odd that I should be standing here this morning to share some thoughts about the role of evaluation in foundations…
Resource type: Speech