Results List
Recession and Recovery
Source: Center for Social Inclusion
This report, released by the Center for Social Inclusion, ranks impact of the recession on all 50 states and the District of Columbia based on 14 variables including housing, jobs, health, and poverty. The Center for Social Inclusion is an Atlantic grantee. The New York…
Resource type: Research Report
Investing in Change: Why Supporting Advocacy Makes Sense for Foundations
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
This publication explores the experiences of a growing number of funders around the world that are committed to supporting advocacy as a strategy to advance social change. We are starting with this topic because funding advocacy too often is the philanthropic road not taken, yet…
Resource type: Research Report
Securing Affordable Health Care for All Americans
Today, nearly 50 million Americans have no health care coverage, those with insurance frequently do not get the care they need, and the ill are often shut out of the system. Health Care for America Now (HCAN) is campaigning to pass legislation in 2009 that…
Resource type: Grantee Story
The Key Role of Advocacy Funding in the U.S. Health Reform Debate
Source: Gara LaMarche
The reasons why The Atlantic Philanthropies made what may be the largest U.S. advocacy grant ever in order to support health reform are outlined by Gara LaMarche, Atlantic’s President and CEO, at the Grantmakers in Health conference in Orlando, Florida. Occasionally it is better not…
Resource type: Speech
Too Close for Comfort? Obama and the Foundations
Source: Gara LaMarche
Foundations should take a stance of engaged and critical discomfort with government no matter who is in charge, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, in this speech at the Hudson Institute-Betsy and Walter Stern Conference Center. I am always glad to take…
Resource type: Speech
Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health
Source: Global Brain Health Institute
The Atlantic Fellows program at the Global Brain Health Institute provides innovative training in brain health, leadership, and dementia prevention to a broad array of promising leaders from various professions, including medicine, science, business, law, journalism, and the arts. Through their work, Fellows are expected…
Resource type: Video
Aging and Economic Security Evaluation: Crosscutting Lessons Learned
Source: North Star Planning and Evaluation Consultants
This evaluation of Atlantic’s grantmaking to support the economic security of low-income elders identifies elements most likely to help advance a policy agenda when working in a politically charged environment: Use a state-by-state approach and target multiple levels of government to show incremental progress for national results…
Resource type: Evaluation
Make Big Plans: Cornell Olin Lecture
Source: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Atlantic President and CEO Christopher G. Oechsli joined Cornell University President Emeritus Frank H. T. Rhodes for a conversation about Atlantic’s founder, Chuck Feeney, and the vision and values behind the foundation’s grantmaking at Cornell and around the world. At the event, Hunter R. Rawlings…
Resource type: Speech
How Private Wealth Can Change the World
Source: By Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, delivered this speech at an international conference held by the Robert Bosch Stiftung in Berlin: The Era of Citizens – How Civil Society and Foundations are Shaping the Future. The conference was opened by German…
Resource type: Speech
Out-of-School Time in Elev8 Community Schools
Source: Research for Action & McClanahan Associates, Inc.
A solid, high-quality education is a key to successful adulthood; however, young people from low-income families and communities often face a myriad of educational and academic challenges that put them at risk for ongoing disadvantage in life. The Atlantic Philanthropies and others support community schools…
Resource type: Evaluation