Results List
Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI)
The University College Dublin Foundation Limited received PRTLI grants, described below, from The Atlantic Philanthropies and Higher Education Authority for support for the Centre for Synthesis and Chemical Biology and the Molecular Medicine Centre. Taking a big risk in grantmaking has paid off hugely for Ireland and…
Resource type: Grantee Story
The Crucial Role of Philanthropy in the Republic of Ireland
Source: Colin McCrea
The Republic of Ireland needs more philanthropists, who in turn can make a lasting difference in their country, said Colin McCrea, Senior Vice President at The Atlantic Philanthropies, in this speech at the Dublin City University Leadership Circle Dinner. Introduction Ladies and Gentlemen, President Ferdinand…
Resource type: Speech
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Embrace of a Social Justice Approach to Grantmaking
Source: Gara LaMarche
The story behind The Atlantic Philanthropies’ embrace of social justice is recounted in this speech by Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, at the Ford Foundation Convening on Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace in February 2009 in Cairo, Egypt. It is bracing…
Resource type: Speech
The Cornell Tradition
Source: Flatbush Pictures
In 1982, Atlantic’s first-ever grant started the The Cornell Tradition fellowship, which has since supported 5,500 of Cornell University’s most service-oriented undergraduates. We recently gave the program our very last grant, too. Our Work in the United States: A Film Series The Cornell Tradition is one in a series…
Resource type: Video
Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism
Source: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, delivered this keynote address at an international conference held by New York Law School: Constitutional Rights, Judicial Independence and the Transition to Democracy: Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism. The conference brought together a diverse group…
Resource type: Speech
Enriching a University to Strengthen Learning and Research
Students attend 2012 commencement ceremony. Photo: Cornell University The nearly $1 billion investment in Cornell University made by Atlantic and its Founding Chairman has enriched the experience of students and faculty on campus; strengthened its academics, research and athletics; and enabled the university to expand…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Prevention and Early Intervention Programme in Ireland and Northern Ireland
Source: Mathematica Policy Research
Children and youth organisations on the island of Ireland are building a strong body of prevention and early intervention practices, according to an evaluation of Atlantic’s investments by Mathematica Policy Research. Meanwhile, research organisations are acquiring new expertise in evaluating children’s prevention and early intervention…
Resource type: Evaluation
2013 Annual Letter
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
This letter from Atlantic’s President and CEO, Christopher G. Oechsli, highlights some examples of what Atlantic’s grantmaking has achieved, lessons it has learned, and celebrates Chuck Feeney’s “think big” philosophy which has enabled all the foundation has done.
Resource type: Annual Report
Transforming Palliative Care in Ireland
In February 2012, the staff and patients at St Patrick’s Hospital Marymount Hospice in Cork moved from an old Victorian red brick building where the hospice had operated for 141 years to a new, best-in-class hospital that is the most advanced palliative care facility in…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Giving While Living: Marking 30 Years of Achievements: 1982–2012
Our 30th anniversary publication highlights a few of Atlantic’s success stories and celebrates three decades of work inspired by the commitment, values and generosity of Chuck Feeney.
Resource type: Annual Report