Results List
First-Year Implementation of the Center for After-School Excellence Certificate Programs
Source: Center of After-School Excellence
A college-based, one-year certificate programme for after-school workers garnered positive response from U.S. participants who said the programme helped them improve their academic abilities as well as their knowledge about working with youth, according to this evaluation by Policy Study Associates.The Center of After-School Excellence…
Resource type: Evaluation
How the Center on Budget Will Shape the Future
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Atlantic is supporting the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) to establish a new Institute for proactive policy development and implementation work on longer-term priorities regarding budget, revenue, safety-net, and social insurance policies that benefit low- and moderate-income families and individuals and are fiscally…
Resource type: Video
Breaking Ground on UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay
The groundbreaking of UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay, a state-of-the-art 289-bed hospital complex, was a momentous occasion for both the local community and the global health community at large. Hospital administrators, medical professionals and community leaders were on hand to discuss the importance of…
Resource type: Video
Ageing in Bermuda
Source: Fordham University, Ravazzin Center for Social Work Research in Aging
To meet the needs of a growing number of seniors in Bermuda, policymakers can take two initial key initiatives: establish a caregiver resource center and set up a care information service on community resources for physicians and others, according to this report commissioned by The…
Resource type: Research Report
A Look At Our Work in Viet Nam
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
A look back at Atlantic’s more than 15 years of work in Viet Nam, helping to improve higher education, health care and public health for people too long deprived of those fundamental public goods. > View the full version of this video > Read the…
Resource type: Video
A Look At Our Work in South Africa
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
A look back at Atlantic’s work in South Africa promoting and activating essential values of justice, equality, learning and health in a still-emerging multiracial democracy. Learn More The Atlantic Philanthropies in South Africa: 1991–2013
Resource type: Video
Our Work in the Republic of Ireland
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Between 1987 and 2014, Atlantic invested more than $1.2 billion (€1 billion) in the Republic of Ireland to stimulate a knowledge economy by rebuilding the higher education system, protect and expand human and civil rights, and fundamentally transform the design and delivery of services for…
Resource type: Video
Our Work in Northern Ireland
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Between 1991 and 2014, Atlantic invested over $554 million (£340 million) in Northern Ireland to help build a sustainable and just peace, reconcile deeply divided communities, challenge segregation in primary and secondary education, reshape higher education, ensure quality services for those most in need, strengthen…
Resource type: Video
School Discipline Consensus Report
Source: The Council of State Governments Justice Center
The research and data on school discipline practices is clear: Millions of students are removed from their classrooms each year, overwhelmingly for minor misconduct. We can’t allow this trend to continue. Addressing staggeringly high suspension rates is essential to making school a place where students…
Resource type: Research Report
Older and Bolder Presents Report ‘Ageing, the Demographic Dividend and Work’
This video was recorded at the launch of the report commissioned by Older & Bolder and compiled by Professor Des O’Neill at Buswells Hotel, Dublin 2 on 10th May 2010.
Resource type: Video