Results List
New Book Examines Inequality in School Discipline
Inequality in School Discipline: Research and Practice to Reduce Disparities. Editors: Russell J. Skiba, Kavitha Mediratta and M. Karega Rausch. Learn more > Inequality in School Discipline fills a critical void by providing the most current and authoritative information on what is known about disciplinary…
Author: Palgrave Macmillan
De Blasio Administration Announces New School Climate Initiatives to Make NYC Schools Safer, Fairer and More Transparent
Proposed updates to the discipline code include an end to suspensions for students in grades K-2 For the first time, NYPD releases expanded school safety data on school-based arrests, summonses and handcuffing New scanning policy establishes official process based on data with NYPD oversight for…
Author: The City of New York
Bringing Everyone to the Table to Eradicate School Discipline Disparities
By Allison Brown and Kavitha Mediratta Representatives from Open Society Foundations and The Atlantic Philanthropies discuss philanthropy’s role in school discipline reform. This article was originally published in VUE magazine. Download the PDF > VUE website > The Atlantic Philanthropies funded the work of the Positive…
Author: VUE
NYC's Action on School Discipline Moves Closer to Just Education
By Kavitha Mediratta, Chief Strategy Advisor, Equity Initiatives & Human Capital Development, The Atlantic Philanthropies In recent years, thousands of New York City school children have been disciplined through exclusion from school, disengaging them from learning and increasing the likelihood they will get caught up…
Author: Philanthropy New York
Race in School Discipline: Study Looks at Silence Among Educators
Tiago Robinson greeted students in the halls of Oakland High School in 2013 before his class session working with African-American students who are struggling with grades or suspension in his Manhood Development Program in Oakland, Calif. Robinson monitored the student’s grades and helped them communicate…
Author: Christian Science Monitor
How Did This High School Student Go From Being Suspended 20 Times to Graduating Valedictorian? High school student Damon Smith had been suspended more than 20 times before entering Ralph Bunche High School in Oakland, an alternative high school for chronically expelled students. After working with Eric Butler, a restorative justice counselor at the school, Damon left behind the…
Author: The Nation
Education Department: Civil Rights Laws Apply Equally to Charters
By Evie Blad (cross-posted from Charters & Choice) The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights issued guidance today clarifying that charter schools have the same obligations to abide by federal civil rights laws as regular public schools. The “Dear Colleague” letter by Assistant…
Author: Education Week
NOT Spending Down: CEO Update
Atlantic is not a “spend down” foundation, although we’re often described as such. Yes, we will complete all of our grantmaking by the end of 2016. The term “spending down,” however, suggests a slow, inexorable depletion of assets, resources and impact or perhaps a rushed…
Author: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
When School Discipline Is Unfair: Four Ways to Do Better
A new set of reports dives deep into the complex causes of inequities in school discipline and offers details on what schools can do to create a climate that is both orderly and fair. A student gets his books from his locker at Alisal High…
Author: Christian Science Monitor
Discipline with Dignity: Oakland Schools Try Talk Circles
By Fania Davis, YES! Magazine As executive director of Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth, Fania Davis sees programs like hers helping to shut down the school-to-prison pipeline. ‘Punitive justice asks only what rule of law was broken, who did it, and how they should be…
Author: The Christian Science Monitor