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A Big Bet on Advocacy Helps to Make History on Health Care
“Health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land.” I can’t tell you what a thrill it was to hear President Obama speak those words, a few hours ago, after signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Doctors Are Opting Out of Medicare
Original Source By JULIE CONNELLY EARLY this year, Barbara Plumb, a freelance editor and writer in New York who is on Medicare, received a disturbing letter. Her gynecologist informed her that she was opting out of Medicare. When Ms. Plumb asked her primary-care doctor to…
Author: The New York Times
The Affordable Care Act Turns 3!
MomsRising is an Atlantic grantee through the Children & Youth programme in the United States. Posted March 21st, 2013 by Ashley Boyd Three years ago this Saturday, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama. Since then, the law…
The following information was released by the American Academy of Family Physicians: Family physicians and America’s seniors stand to benefit from a $2.9 million grant recently awarded by The Atlantic Philanthropies to the AAFP Foundation. The three-year grant is to help the Academy develop and…
Author: States News Service
Implementing the New Health Care Law and What it Means for Children
Although the benefits from the newly signed health care bill won’t be available until 2014, implementation efforts are already underway. To better understand how the new law will be implemented and what it means for children, GCYF partnered with First Focus to host a webinar to…
Author: Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families
New care failures exposed in nursing homes
by Eilish O’Regan Trip hazards, inadequate medication records and poor infection control have been discovered in new private nursing home inspections around the country. Among those which breached regulations was Swords Nursing Home in Dublin — formerly known as Leas Cross before it was sold…
Author: Irish Independent
Health Critic Brings a Past and a Wallet
Health Care for America Now is an Atlantic grantee. By JIM RUTENBERG WASHINGTON — Richard L. Scott is unusual in these tough economic times: a rich, conservative investor willing to spend freely on a political cause. Mr. Scott is starring in his own rotation of advertisements…
Author: The New York Times
Cuba's Health Care System Receiving Renewed Attention
Research and Education Facilities on the Isle of Youth in Cuba. Photo: Magnum Foundation For over a decade, Atlantic has invested in Cuba’s approach to health care: universal, accessible, patient-centered and anchored in primary-care prevention. Despite scarcities and the effects of the U.S. embargo, Cuba…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
New poll of older adults from the John A. Hartford Foundation reveals serious gaps in care
Many older Americans, including those with a regular primary care provider, are not receiving important geriatric services, according to a new poll released by the John A. Hartford Foundation. In the nationally representative poll of Americans age 65 and older, large majorities report that they…
Author: John A. Hartford Foundation
As Population Ages, Hospital Nurses Increasingly Finding their NICHE
By Chris Lund People over the age of 65 are expected to grow from 13.3% of the US population today to 20.3% by 2030, and those over the age of 85 are projected to increase from 5.7 million in 2011 to 8.9 million people in…
Author: ElderBranch