Results List
12 People Who Are Changing Your Retirement
Joseph Coughlin describes his work as “trying to get people to ‘age cool.’ ” More specifically, as director of AgeLab, a research program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he is pushing advances in transportation, health care and housing off drawing boards and into older…
Author: Wall Street Journal
Helping to find dignity, in death
Summary Dedicated care for people at the end of their lives is just as important as the medical care patients receive at any other stage of their lives. The Newgrange Process, for example, a pioneering project at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, has…
Author: Irish Times
Research sheds new light on why pancreatic cancer drugs fail
Original Source An international team of scientists, led by researchers based at the Cambridge Research Institute, have discovered a new mechanism that may explain why pancreatic cancer patients are often resistant to a common chemotherapy treatment, germcitabine. The study, published in the journal Science today,…
Author: University of Cambridge
National health insurance
The department of Health’s decision to finally table proposals in Parliament for a social health insurance is one that is long overdue. South Africa cannot blindly adopt the national health insurance (NHI) systems of First World countries like Australia, Canada and Switzerland. We need to…
Author: Cape Times (South Africa)
It’s All Downhill From 38: Why Ageing Is Not Just for the Old
A new centre for successful ageing aims to address the challenges we all face Nora Dodd, patient at Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing at St James’s Hospital, Dublin with clinical nurse managers Joan Garcia and Ray Donnelly. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill By Paul Cullen How…
Author: The Irish Times
10 Ways Mission Bay Puts Patients First
Supportive Surroundings At the new UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay, the environment itself — not just the care and services provided there — helps support our patients and aid the healing process. Patient-Friendly Imaging Suites MRIs and other imaging tests can require having…
Author: UCSF Mission Bay Hospitals
Betting Big on New Leaders in Health Equity
This is an historic year for The Atlantic Philanthropies. In 2016, we have reached our 35th year of grantmaking, and also our last. In recent updates, I’ve discussed our culminating grants that build on our three and a half decades of work to address…
Author: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Next Avenue Names the Most Influential People in Aging
Dr. Atul Gawande is Next Avenue’s Influencer of the Year By Liza Kaufman Hogan Today, Next Avenue released the 2015 Influencers in Aging, its first annual list recognizing 50 inspiring thought leaders, innovators, doctors, authors, advocates, experts, executives and others changing how we age and think about…
Author: Next Avenue
The Quiet Change-Maker
Although Chuck Feeney has kept a low profile, his generosity has served as a catalyst for extraordinary scientific breakthroughs. Chuck Feeney, one of Stanford’s most generous yet least-known supporters, is on track to give away more than $7.5 billion to causes worldwide. PHOTO: Pascal Perich…
Author: Stanford Benefactor
How Cuba Is Leading the International Fight Against Ebola
A health worker is reflected in a mirror as he prepares protective equipment in Sierra Leone’s capital city, Freetown. Cuba has dispatched 165 health workers to the country to combat the Ebola outbreak. Credit: Reuters By Marc Kilstein and Joyce Hackel The US has long…
Author: Public Radio International