Results List
Ireland Has 'Fastest Rising Need' for Palliative Care in Europe
Rapidly-ageing Irish population behind trend, new study suggests Increases in funding will be needed to cater for the increase in deaths from cancer, dementia and neurodegenerative diseases according to new research. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien/The Irish Times By Paul Cullen Ireland has the fastest rising need…
Author: The Irish Times
Lack of end-of-life support for patients
By Evelyn Ring. ONE in five hospital patients at the end of their lives could have died at home if there had been enough supports, according to a unique national audit published yesterday. It found that hospital admissions through emergency departments negatively impact on patients…
Author: Irish Examiner
Two Atlantic Ageing Grantees Receive "People of the Year" Award
Irish Senior Citizens’ Parliament and the Irish Hospice Foundation are Atlantic grantees. The Irish Senior Citizens’ Parliament is thrilled and delighted that its President, Sylvia Meehan, has been presented with a prestigious “People of the Year” award. Sylvia was presented with the award by Mary…
Author: Irish Senior Citizens' Parliament
Helping to find dignity, in death
Summary Dedicated care for people at the end of their lives is just as important as the medical care patients receive at any other stage of their lives. The Newgrange Process, for example, a pioneering project at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, has…
Author: Irish Times
Atlantic Philanthropies SVP Colin McCrea interviewed on the Pat Kenny Show, RTE (Ireland)
Colin McCrea, SVP, Atlantic Philanthropies was interviewed on the Pat Kenny Show on Ireland’s National Radio station (RTE) recently in a discussion on philanthropy. The morning chat show of 8 July, 2008, broadcast an interview exploring the field of philanthropy and the role it plays…
Author: Pat Kenny Show, RTE
'A Beautiful Death' Video Is a Finalist for National Magazine Award
By Joel Keehn Consumer Reports is a finalist for a 2015 National Magazine Award in multimedia, which honors the best in digital storytelling, for its report ‘A Beautiful Death.’ The multimedia package includes an 18-minute video that chronicles the final 38 days of Paul Scheier, a retired dentist…
Author: Consumer Reports
New Research Collection on Improving Access to Palliative Care
Sharing Knowledge, Finding Solutions As Atlantic Philanthropies makes its final philanthropic investments, it is asking some important questions, including: “How can we all build on the advances and lessons learned from our thirty-plus years of grantmaking?” and “How can we make sure that valuable knowledge on issues…
Author: Philantopic
Alliance encourages elderly to highlight needs to candidates
Several Atlantic grantees are mentioned in this article. by ALISON HEALY AN ALLIANCE of groups has launched a campaign to encourage older people to highlight their needs when election candidates come calling in the coming weeks. The Older And Bolder alliance said its “On the…
Author: The Irish Times
Older & Bolder: Irish Seniors Organise for Action
On a visit to Ireland last week, I got a glimpse of a compelling example of the power that an organized community can have – “The Older & Bolder Campaign,” a collaborative initiative among five organizations working to improve the quality of life for older…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Cork Charity Gets 10m for Elderly
Barry Roche, Southern Correspondent Summary: The Atlantic Philanthropies has awarded a grant to St Patrick’s Hospital Ltd for its Marymount Hospice, which cares for terminally ill patients throughout Cork city and county, in the Republic of Ireland. Click here for more: (subscribers only)
Author: Irish Times