Results List
North's racist incidents could 'rocket'
by Dan Keenan Officials at two Stormont departments are working on specific policy proposals to meet the needs of immigrant communities in Northern Ireland following recent racist attacks. The Assembly was also warned that the rate of racist incidents was due to “rocket”. Initiatives from…
Author: Irish Times
Study Identifies Aging Hispanic Workers as "Invisible Boomers"
Original Source New America Media, AARP and the Urban Institute are Atlantic grantees., News Report, Eduardo A. de Oliveira Hispanic workers 50-Plus are a vigorous group of “invisible boomers,” who could help employers solve projected labor shortfalls in the coming years, according to a…
Author: New America Media
Ireland’s Economic Problems – No Excuse to Send Human Rights into Recession
For many around the world, Ireland in the last ten years or so has represented two things: first, a strong voice for human rights and justice, from Presidents like Mary Robinson to prominent private citizens like Bono. And second, a powerful economic success story: the…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Ford Foundation to Close Offices in Russia, Vietnam
Original Source After seeing the value of its endowment fall by nearly a third in 2008, the Ford Foundation has announced that it will close its offices in Moscow and Hanoi in order to cut costs, the Wall Street Journal reports. The moves will result…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
The Debate Continues: NCRP Report Should Spur Reflection About Social Justice, Not Attacks
Original Source By: Gara LaMarche The recent report by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP), “ Philanthropy at its Best: Benchmarks to Assess and Enhance Grantmaking Impact,” has stirred up a storm among foundations not seen since, well…the last time foundations were called upon to be more…
Author: The Council on Foundations
Tough Times Require Change Throughout Philanthropy
Original Source by Gara LaMarche Americans are all too familiar with the ups and downs of the tech, housing, and stock-market bubbles. Now we are learning that there has been a “nonprofit bubble,” too. The nonprofit world grew rapidly as a result of generous giving…
Author: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Philanthropic Benchmark Report Draws Ire From Foundations
Original Source Criticism has intensified in recent days over a National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy report that suggests foundations should devote half their grants to minorities, the poor, and other disadvantaged groups, the Wall Street Journal reports. Released earlier this month, the report, Criteria for Philanthropy at Its…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
Foundation Rescinds Grant to Watchdog Group
Original Source By Ian Wilhelm Upset by a recent report by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy that urged grant makers to give at least 50 percent of their grant dollars to the poor and other disadvantaged people, the California Wellness Foundation has taken the unusual step of canceling…
Author: Chronicle of Philanthropy
New Guidelines Target U.S. Foundation Practices
WASHINGTON, March 2 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Grantmakers are not delivering as much social benefit as they could, according to the new Criteria for Philanthropy at Its Best: Benchmarks to Assess and Enhance Grantmaker Impact by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy. The criteria, to be released…
Author: National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Seven "International Trailblazers" To Be Awarded at MIPDOC 2009
Paris, 26 February 2009 MIPDOC, the international showcase for documentary screenings has named seven directors, selected for their creativity, innovation and personal vision in the world of documentary making, to receive International Trailblazer awards at MIPDOC 2009. This year’s event runs from 28-29 March, at…
Author: MIPDOC