Results List
Marchers hit streets calling on Obama to act immediately on federal immigration reform
By Sophia Tareen.CHICAGO (AP) — Protesters nationwide vented their anger over a new Arizona law to crack down on illegal immigrants by calling on President Barack Obama to immediately take up their cause for federal immigration reform.From Los Angeles to Washington D.C., activists, families, students…
Author: The LA Times
200,000 Activists Demand Immigration Reform
On Sunday March 21st, a number of Atlantic staff joined grantees and two hundred thousand diverse activists from across the country in a march in Washington D.C. to demand that immigration reform be on President Obama’s agenda this year. Like the advocates we support, we…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
A Growing Drumbeat from Activists Energizes Drive for Urgent Immigration Reform
This Sunday, I will join 100,000 other supporters of comprehensive immigration reform in the United States – a cause to which Atlantic has been deeply committed since 2004 – in a march on Washington to demand that the U.S. Congress act this year. I hope…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Has Inclusiveness Taken Hold in Philanthropy?
How well are minorities represented within foundation staff and boards, and how well are the less advantaged served through grants? In June 2009, a group of nonprofit leaders had a candid panel discussion on diversity in philanthropy, referencing the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors’ new report, Philanthropy…
Hate Campaigns Can’t Block Overdue Steps Toward Fair Treatment of Immigrants
Barack Obama’s campaign gave hope to millions of immigrants and their leading advocates. Atlantic has been proud to support and stand with these groups in the long campaign for comprehensive immigration reform. But that hope has been strained of late, and it is time to…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Two Atlantic Ageing Grantees Receive "People of the Year" Award
Irish Senior Citizens’ Parliament and the Irish Hospice Foundation are Atlantic grantees. The Irish Senior Citizens’ Parliament is thrilled and delighted that its President, Sylvia Meehan, has been presented with a prestigious “People of the Year” award. Sylvia was presented with the award by Mary…
Author: Irish Senior Citizens' Parliament
Zimbabweans get visa-free SA entry
Original Source The University of the Witwatersrand’s Forced Migration Studies Programme is an Atlantic grantee. WILSON JOHWA, Political Correspondent SA is to drop the visa requirement for Zimbabwean passport holders while also granting them special residency permits allowing them to work in the country. Home Affairs Minister…
Author: Business Day (South Africa)
Law Opens Up 'Encore' Careers
Original Source By Kelly Greene The deep recession is forcing millions of Americans in their 50s and 60s to rethink plans for retirement. That shift — coupled with new legislation out of Washington — could help spur a commitment to national service not seen since…
Author: The Wall Street Journal
Commitment to Service, Volunteerism
COMMITMENT TO SERVICE, VOLUNTEERISM; COMMITTEE: HOUSE EDUCATION AND LABORCQ Congressional Testimony Statement of Harris Wofford Former Senator United States Committee on House Education and Labor February 25, 2009 Let me first thank Chairman Miller and Ranking Member McKeon for convening this hearing on national service and…
Author: CQ Congressional Testimony
Taking Account of Race: A Philanthropic Imperative
President Obama’s election has unquestionably transformed discussions of race in the United States. At the recent Black Entertainment Television Honors Awards, Congressman James Clyburn of South Carolina declared that now that an African-American man holds the most powerful position in the world, “Every child has…
Author: Gara LaMarche